If you are reading ahead you may notice quite a few Warrior's on this list. One of our goals in Season 6 was to bring back Warrior into the Solo lane. While the Totem of Ku and buffs to Warrior's Blessing seem to have done this, some Warriors are still underperforming. While they aren't too far off, we want to help these Warriors to ensure a diverse pool of Solo Lane contenders. Rather than improving their burst we want to focus on their defensive capability, allowing them to get into mid and late game team fights more effectively and disrupt their opponents.
Achilles Radiant Glory is a conditional heal that requires him to hit multiple targets with his abilities. We want to better reward him for successfully accomplishing this, especially during the teamfight phase.
Radiant Glory
Increased Heal from 23/26/29/32/35 to 24/28/32/36/40.
Master of War gives Bellona an additional edge in combat when she is actively fighting. We want to increase its effectiveness, giving her a slight bump to her tankiness at all stages of the game.
Master of War
Increased Protections from 4 Protections per Stack to 5 Protections per stack.
Fafnir continues to struggle in Season 6. This god has high potential to dominate the pro league, as we have seen in the past, so we take a careful approach toward buffing him.
Fafnir has a lot of utility and lockdown, but he struggles heavily in the early laning phase. Over the years he was nerfed multiple times, and now we plan to revert one of those nerfs.
With Fafnir's overall utility being much lower than at launch time, his base damage on his primary clear ability can be raised back to its original intended amount.
Cursed Strength
Increased Base Damage from 80/125/170/215/260 to 100/140/180/220/260.
Freya was reworked in Season 5 with a few goals in mind. We wanted to reduce her binary nature of being ineffective for a large portion of time and suddenly spiking in power with her stims active.
This resulted in her balance being a razors edge, where she either killed during her effective times or didn't; resulting in her seeing play or not.
While the rework has helped her contribute more to a teamfight more often like a more traditional hunter; her Northern Lights being an immediate burst harkened back to that frustrating feeling of being immediately destroyed after a Banish. Additionally, long time Freya players felt like they lost a unique playstyle of a stim hunter and got a burst mage as a replacement.
We are doing a single ability rework and a few balance tweaks to help smooth out her damage, make it feel more skillful and avoidable, while also giving older Freya players some of the feeling of a bonus reward for successfully landing multiple shots on enemies.
Northern Lights will now have 5 shots, spreading out the damage from a single (largely unmissable) burst into 5 separate and missable shots. Players familiar with Old Freya will have a similar feeling of combining the 1 and the 2 to really burn down targets, but only if they can land those shots.
Additionally, Mystic Warrior and Aurora Blades have had small balance adjustments to work with Northern Lights more appropriately. Mystic Warrior will heal on each Ammo shot, so its overall healing has been toned down. Northern Lights will now have 5 shots, meaning players will be firing ranged attacks more often. We are reducing the Mana cost to make this a bit more manageable.
Mystic Warrior
Decreased Self Heal on hit from 2% to 1.5%.
Northern Lights
Northern Light has been adjusted.
Northern Lights when activated, Freya gains 5 shots of Northern Lights. Each Basic Attack consumes a charge even if that attack does not hit.
Damage Decreased from 40/80/120/160/200 to 11/27/43/59/75.
Damage Scaling Decreased from 40% to 10%.
Slow Duration reduced from 2 seconds to 1.25 seconds.
Charges last indefinitely. Ability goes on cooldown when all are consumed.
Aurora Blade
Reduced Mana cost from 20/25/30/35/40 to 14/18/22/26/30.
In Season 5 we nerfed Hachiman's early lane pressure and slow from Mounted Archery. Since then he has fallen out over favor over time and sits low compared to other hunters.
We are reverting the nerf to Heavenly Banner, giving him extra lane clear and boxing power during early skirmishes.
Heavenly Banner
Increased damage from 75/130/185/240/295 to 85/140/195/250/305.
Similarly to other Warriors, Hercules is getting an increase to his survivability. While his heal has potential to be incredibly potent, his survivability is heavily lacking when anti-heal is applies. He needs to really get into fights to push and pull his opponents so we are increasing the protections provided from Mitigate Wounds to help it mitigate incoming wounds.
Mitigate Wounds
Increased Protections buff from 10/20/30/40/50 to 20/30/40/50/60.
Odin, especially in modes centered around teamfighting, is a powerhouse. Not only is his ultimate a strong lockdown but it applies a powerful anti-heal and attack speed slow, really limiting enemies options to counterplay being locked in a cage while a team throws all their abilities into it. The Attack Speed slow is especially punishing when it comes to trying to fight back and we feel it really pushes this ability over the top.
Odin hard counters a huge amount of the roster. We want people to be able to fight him in his cage, and we also want cage to feel meaningful to rank up. This change is more of a shift than a buff or nerf, intended to keep Odin in a similar spot as now, but with more counterplay around his ultimate ability.
Ring of Spears
This ability no longer applies an attack speed slow to enemies in its area.
Sobek was a powerful threat in the solo lane during Season 5, really starting the trend of Guardians flexing to that role and stifling picks. With the adjustments to the solo lane we feel comfortable bringing power back to Sobek but feel reverting the cooldown on Tail Whip would result in the same result, stifling diversity. We instead are focusing on increasing his base tankiness, allowing him to be more successful and charging into the enemy team and heavily disrupting opponents.
Sylvanus brings healing and control to any team he is on, but one of these components is a bit clunky. Wisps need to not only travel to the target (which we are slightly speeding up), but allies do not benefit from the wisp until a tick can happen making it feel delayed. Most abilities that tick” have an initial hit to avoid this delayed feeling, and for already being delayed by travel time we feel this ability should have that immediate impact.
Increase Projectile Speed from 50 to 100 (this does not affect the initial release speed).
Wisps now apply an additional tick right as they hit an ally or enemy (same damage / heal as other ticks).
Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 (+10% of your Magical Power)
Tyr has also struggled to come back into the Solo Lane, not only with Season 6 but for most of Season 4 and 5. We have done some large adjustments to him but he has still struggled to really make a showing. We want to increase his ability to survive engagements and give him a slight bump to his tankiness against Physical Attackers.
Increased base Physical Protections from 15 to 18.
Power Cleave
Increased Healing from 25/45/65/85/105 to 30/55/80/105/130.
Vamana's Colossal Fury is really impacting the Battleground, allowing him to survive teamfights more effectively and be a powerful disruptor. One consequence of the change was he lost all collision, making him pass through players in addition to player made walls. This made him difficult to counter (tanks cannot body block him) while also making him miss targets he was in since they could juke into him. He will not collide with players, making both of these situations feel better.
Colossal Fury
Now collides with players only.
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