Released Mar 05, 2019
  • Passive - Immovable

  • Jormungandr is so large that he cannot be affected by Hard Displacement instead he gets Dazed. Dazed is a debuff on Jormungandr that is a fading slow and increases the damage he takes for the duration. Any Attack speed past base reduces the cooldown rate of Jormungandr's Basic Attack. *Slow: 20% fading over 2s *Increased Damage to Jorm: 10% *Duration: 2s
  • Venomous Haze

  • Jormungandr fires noxious spit at an area that deals damage and creates a large toxic cloud. This field damages and slows Enemies inside of it every second. Jormungandr can have a maximum of 9 toxic clouds out at a time. *Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+40% of your magical power) *Cloud Damage per tick: 5/15/25/35/45 (+5% of your magical power) *Slow: 15% *Slow Duration: 1s *Cloud Duration: 20s *Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 *Mana Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 *Range: 65 *Radius: 10 *Cloud Radius: 15
  • Consuming Bellow

  • Jormungandr draws power from toxic clouds nearby while channeling for 1.2s. At the end of the channel Jormungandr roars dealing damage to all Enemies, trembling and slowing Enemy gods by 30% for 1.5s. Each cloud increases the size of Consuming Bellow and Empowers him up to 3 times while also dealing extra damage to Enemies hit. Extra damage after the first instance is halved. While Empowered, Jormungandr's basic attack fires at it's fastest rate. *Damage: 120/180/240/300/360 (+50% of your magical power) *Bonus Damage: 20/30/40/50/60 (+10% of your magical power) *Damage Mitigation while Channeling: 10% *Empowered Basic Attack Buff: 1s per stack *Max. Stacks: 3 *Slow: 30% *Slow Duration: 1.5s *Initial Radius: 20 *End Radius: 30 *Cooldown: 14s *Mana Cost: 70
  • Submerge

  • Jormungandr submerges into the ground turning invisible as he searches for prey. During this time he moves faster and gains predatory vision, sensing all enemies in a large radius. Firing this ability while invisible reveals Jormungandr as he emerges out of the ground, knocking up Enemies around him. Taking damage from Enemy gods also breaks the Stealth. *Damage: 70/125/180/235/290 (+50% of your magical power) *Movement Speed: 25% *Duration: 5s *Cooldown: 18s *Mana Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 *Radius: 20
  • The World Serpent

  • Jormungandr prepares to enter into the world, enlarging as he prepares a devastating attack. After selecting a target area, Jormungandr flies into the air, diving down and crashing into enemies as his body then slams into the ground. He must travel 2 more times. When Jormungandr Emerges and Submerges during this ability, he knocks up Enemies and with each Submerge he leaves behind a toxic cloud. *Submerge Damage: 150/200/250/300/350 (+40% of your magical power) *Emerge/Crash Damage: 75/100/125/150/175 (+20% of your magical power) *Cooldown: 120/115/110/105/100 *Mana Cost: 100 *Radius: 20


  • Lately the Danger noodle is too much noodle, not enough danger. Jormungandr had a huge arrival on the battleground, causing a lot of disruption to the meta and dominating Solo Lane for months. Considerable nerfs were applied over time and now Jorm is clearly looking underpowered. His damage potential tends to be a frustration point so we are looking to buff his utility instead. Submerge is getting a lower cooldown and stronger CC to make sure Jorm can impact a fight in more ways than just dealing damage.


  • Increased knock up height from 300 to 375
  • Decrease cooldown from 18s to 16s


  • Fixed an issue where you could use his Ultimate and the Aegis Relic at the same time, resulting in some unintended behaviors.


  • The world serpent has had a stranglehold on the Solo lane Meta for quite a while now. He was starting to drop out of favor until changes to Warrior's Blessing brought him slithering back. As we look to make major changes to the Solo Lane, we want to open the meta up to more gods. We don't want Jorm to be overly bullying all of the new experimentation that will be going on here. To mitigate that, we are decreasing the base damage of his basic attack, which was previously mitigated by Warrior's Blessing. This is a significant source of damage for him, and should be an impactful nerf.
  • Decreased Basic Attack damage from 11.2 to 9.6.


  • Many players have claimed this destroyer of gods is unbeatable in the solo lane. Jormungandr's win rate doesn't necessarily point to him being OP, but his pick rate is through the roof and a large amount of solo laners struggle to out lane him. We are increasing the damage Jorm takes while debuffed from his passive to help players pick more specific counters to the big snake. He will also be heavily affected by the Jade Emperor's Helm change.


  • Increased damage taken from 10% to 15% when this debuff is active.


  • Fixed an issue where Jormangandr could get into a bad state if he died while firing his ultimate.


  • Jormungandr is receiving a bug fix this patch. Consuming Bellow was not properly doing the math on its scaling per pool consumed, making him deal less damage than the tooltip would describe. We have fixed the bug and adjusted his values to keep them as close to the same as possible and not impact his current state of balance.
  • Consuming Bellow
  • Fixed Bonus Damage from absorbing clouds not scaling magical or physical power scaling.

Consuming Bellow

  • Fixed a bug where the bonus damage of this ability was not benefiting from magical power scaling properly.
  • Decreased Magical Power Scaling of the initial hit from 50% to 45%.
  • Decreased Magical Power Scaling of bonus damage from 10% to 5%.


  • The World Serpent has continued to make a big impression in SMITE. His high damage and pressure has pushed him to be a powerful threat, becoming a common pick at the competitive level and seeing success across the board. Our recent changes focused on ensuring his unique aspects felt threatening, so in this patch we are focused on bringing his overall pressure down. Consuming Bellow provides heavy burst that is difficult to deal with up through the mid game. We are lowering the base damage to give enemies a chance to fight back against the damage.

Consuming Bellow

  • Decreased Bonus Base Damage from 20/30/40/50/60 to 20/25/30/35/40.


  • The World Serpent has had a HUGE impact on the battleground. As the biggest god in the game he feels very different at the most core level. All our statistics and most community feedback show the god as slightly underpowered. He will be receiving some slight buffs and one large quality of life change. We want to make sure he feels good to play, without overdoing it, as many high level players do feel like he has strong potential in SPL and high ranks.
  • Jorm's basic attack damage is being increased to help him focus on one of his main strengths as a good, early game wave clear and pressure. His interaction between his abilities and Venomous Clouds is being adjusted to punish him less for proper combos. And finally, he is going to be allowed to refire his Bellow if it becomes interrupted. This ability will no longer give him a buff while firing, which makes the refiring consistent with other god abilities.
  • Increased basic attack damage from 9.6 + 0.64/lvl to 11.2 + 0.96/lvl.

Venomous Haze

  • Consuming clouds with abilities now lowers the cloud duration to 8s instead of 5s.

Consuming Bellow

  • Removed Damage mitigations while channeling this ability.
  • This ability no longer goes on cooldown if interrupted during the channel.


  • The World Serpent arrived with players have been trying him in multiples roles, and in each he has struggled to really make his mark. We want to bring up his overall strength and give his ultimate more opportunities to shine. We are increasing his Base Physical Protection, giving him more opportunity to box in the early game and we are making his ultimate a flat 100s at all Ranks. This lowered cooldown will help Jormungundr engage and rotate much more effectively.
  • Physical Protection from 18 to 21.

The World Serpent

  • Decreased Cooldown from 120/115/110/105/100s to 100s at all ranks.


  • Released