The best looking warrior on the battleground is back and looking better than ever. There was a lot of disappointed fans when his basic attack range was nerfed for balance and artistic reasons earlier this year. Those Achilles fans can now proudly cheer on their hero again as his range is returning with some adjusted animations to match.
Increased Basic Attack range from 12 to 16.
Updated Achilles' Basic Attack animation to better represent this increased range.
The God of Decay is often seen as a niche pick against healers due to the way Last Breath (his 3rd ability) functions. For a god who has a specific counter-pick function, he wasn't actually doing much to counter. We are adding even more healing reduction to his kit to go alongside the amount in his Ultimate and Last Breath's stun. This should make Ah Puch a clear healing counter-pick regardless of meta shifts.
Kukulkan is one of the most beloved gods in SMITE, but he rarely ventures into more competitive play. Kukulkan often feels excessively slow and squishy those base stats are being increased. His Whirlwind often feels sluggish or confusing as to when it will actually apply to enemies, so that process is being sped up and having an initial hit applied to make it more impactful.
Increased Base Health from 365 to 380.
Increased Health per level from 68 to 75.
Increased Movement Speed from 355 to 360.
Increased the rate at which Whirlwind attempts to apply or refresh the damaging effect on a player in the area from every .5s to every .25s.
This means from initial cast, it will now take 1.75s for a player to be hit by a Whirlwind dot, down from 2s.
It will also more quickly refresh, increasing the chances the enemy will take additional ticks after leaving the area.
Whirlwind now deals one additional tick of damage when first applied to an enemy.
This update continues with a series of changes to Persephone. Many of these changes are to address player feedback on her clarity concerns or bug fixes, but there are important balance changes too. Persephone has had relatively low win rate in all normal modes, but she is hotly contested in the pro league. She is seeing some adjustments here to make her performance more consistent. She will now be limited to a much smaller number of plants in the early game and Bone Rush will now have a slower and more clearly telegraphed hit area.
Grasp of Death
Fixed an issue where if a player activated the Beads Relic when hit by the cage, the player would be unable to damage the cage afterwards.
Fixed an issue that resulted in CC Immunity not cleansing the vine grasp.
Pomegranate Seeds
Persephone's Harvest plants now deal 50% damage while in her revived state to match Persephone's damage reduction.
Persephone now gains 100% of her Mana back when entering her death state.
Added a brief lockout so players cannot accidentally cancel reviving themselves.
Bone Rush
The damage area of Bone Rush is now a rolling line attack.
This means players close to the explosion are hit earlier than those far away.
Added an intro sound to give players better feedback this ability has been cast.
The damage area of Bone Rush now displays a warning targeter.
Harvest's max count has been decreased from 10 at all levels to 6/6/8/8/10.
Harvest now displays a buff bar counter to indicate how many Harvest plants are active.
Added a new minimap icon for Persephone's Harvest plants.
Increased Harvest Explosion scaling from 75% to 80%.
Increased Harvest Bite scaling from 85% to 90%.
Decreased subsequent damage reduction from 50/75/87.5 to 40/65/78%.
Raijin has had flashes of excellence in the Season 6 meta but they are few are far between. In a previous round of nerfs Raiju saw a significant damage reduction to decrease his lane clear and poke. We are partially reverting to a number in between the two limits, which should make him a better Mage option without pushing him over the top.
Increased Raiju's Base Bounce Damage Tick from 9/15/21/27/33 to 14/23/32/41/50.
Increased Raiju's Bounce Damage Tick scaling from 8% to 10%.
Kings are being slain left and right by Set, especially in the pro league. Set is a high risk high reward Assassin, but the dominant strategy has become full-tank Set. We are decreasing the base values while increasing the power scaling for both the damage and healing of his Ultimate ability. This will require players to build more like a true Assassin to reap the same rewards of this ability.
Decreased Base Damage from 25/40/55/70/85 to 25/35/45/55/65.
Increased Damage Scaling from 25% to 30%.
Decreased Base Healing from 45/60/75/90/105 to 45/55/65/75/85.
Increased Healing Scaling from 20% to 25%.
Updated description to make it more clear that only Set's attacks mark enemies.
Sobek has been carefully lurking in the waters, waiting for his time to strike. After he put up an impressive record in the pro league last year he was nerfed, primarily due to pro frustration. We are happy to finally buff the ol' croc, ideally in a way that pushes him more toward support. We also feel that this is safe now that solo lane has become more aggressive and Warriors have more stable footing, if he does end up back in Solo.
Charge Prey
Decreased Cooldown from 15 to 13s.
Sickening Strike
Increased Damage from 60/100/140/180/220 to 80/115/150/185/220.
No one is above the law. After multiple buffs that seemed impactful, Tyr has still struggled to find a place in the meta. So we are doing a big revert back to Tyr's glory days. Fearless in defensive stance is having its knockup returned! This should allow Tyr to continue pressuring enemies and setting up for his team, even if the offensive Fearless combo fails.
Xbalanque was defining the meta for most of the year, but a big change to his ultimate has brought him to a more reasonable place. His blind is weaker yet still a valuable asset to teams, but the community helped point out a strange weakness in his kit. Poison Darts slows for surprisingly small amounts until it's ranked up. We want each ability to feel impactful and so the slow is being boosted on the lower ranks to ensure Xbalanque can follow up after this ability.
Poison Darts
Increased Poison slow from 4/8/12/16/20% to 20% at all ranks.
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