Each time Horus is damaged by an enemy god, Horus gains a stack of Resolute. If Set is the god damaging Horus, Horus gains 2 stacks. Each stack increases Horus' Protections and CCR. Resolute stacks to a max count of 10 for 3s. When Resolute fades, Horus is healed based on the amount of stacks.
*Protections Per Stack: 1.5
*CCR Per Stack: 1.5%
*Heal Per Stack: 2 + 0.75 Per Level
Horus uses his wings to create an updraft around himself, knocking nearby enemies into the air. Using the currents from the updraft, Horus' next Basic Attack within 5s will create a gust of wind that travels forward, damaging enemies and slowing them for 2.5s. Enemies that are knocked up when hit take bonus damage.
*Damage: 50/95/140/185/230 (+60% of your Physical Power)
*Gust Damage: 14/23/32/41/50 (+100% of your Basic Attack Damage)
*Gust Bonus Damage: 1.5x
*Gust Slow: 25%
*Cost: 55/60/65/70/75
*Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s
Horus dashes forward a short distance, ready to strike with his weapon. If Horus hits a god he stops and stuns the god for 1.25s. He will then wind up a heavy cleave. Enemies hit have their Protections reduced for 3s.
*Dash Damage: 70/95/120/145/170 (+30% of your Physical Power)
*Cleave Damage: 60/95/120/155/190 (+50% of your Physical Power)
*Protection Reduction: 10/15/20/25/30
*Cost: 55/60/65/70/75
*Cooldown: 16s
Protector's Surge
Horus rushes to the aid of an ally. After selecting an ally, Horus will fly to their location before descending. Upon landing, the selected ally and all nearby allies have their health restored and gain protections for 3s.
*Heal: 50/100/150/200/250 (+10% of your Physical Power)
*Protection Buff: 10/15/20/25/30
*Cost: 65
*Cooldown: 16s
To The Skies!
Horus sends a mirror image of himself into the sky that scouts for a location to fly to. Upon selecting a ground location, Horus will begin to channel for 2s. Any ally near Horus after these 2 seconds are flown to the location Horus' image chose. Horus and his allies land with such force, enemies take damage and are knocked away from the landing location. Horus and his allies gain a protective shield upon landing.
*Damage: 150/250/350/450/550 (+80% of your Physical Power)
*Shield: 160/240/320/400/480
*Cost: 100
*Cooldown: 100s
Some impressive plays have been happening via Horus crazy ultimate ability: To the Skies. We have seen phoenix rotations and jungle boss baits like never before. Horus has picked up in popularity, especially in ranked, but his win rate still falls behind. That is why we are keeping this a small nerf. We are partially reverting the amount of speed he gains while ulting to limit his strategic options, especially for competitive play.
To The Skies!
Decreased Movement Speed Horus gains from 135% Increase to 70%.
Horus has fallen off pretty hard in most levels of play. This god has the potential to be a top support, yet is still struggling in the metrics. We are decreasing the cooldown of his primary engage and lockdown ability, which should make a big impact. Additionally, we are speeding up his movement speed while flying in his ultimate. This number here looks insane but diminishing returns apply harshly during the effect. The speed increase should be noticeable but not overly shocking.
Decreased Cooldown from 16s to 16/15.5/15/14.5/14s
To the Skies
Increased from 35% to 135% Horus now moves faster in the air while selecting a target
Fixed an issue where Horus would not get to use his follow up ranged attack on ability if he was CC'd at a certain time. He is intended to always gain this range attack after firing this ability.
Horus & Set has been out for some time now and have undergone fixes from their release. Everyone has been having a blast with them and have been discussing their balance state on all channels. While most feel they are balanced, or have concerns about what they can do in skilled hands, we feel they could use slight buffs in key areas to ensure they feel good to play while not over buffing them. Horus specifically struggles from very high cooldowns in the early game, limiting his ability to help his carry in a reliable way. We want to alleviate this while not boosting his late game lockdown, so we are lowering the cooldown early but having it scale to the same amount. We are excited to see how Horus will shake up the competitive scene and their tactics in the weeks to come!
Decreased Cooldown to 18/17/16/15/14 to 16/16/15/15/14.
Horus has soared into players hearts, both in bringing a supportive playstyle and amazing wombo-combo highlights. In this patch we are focused on addressing core feels issues and bugs. We did not want to make specific balance adjustments until players better learn to play with Horus and until we see how these fixes affect him.
Fixed an issue where the follow up basic attack was benefiting from Lifesteal more than intended.
Fixed an issue where the follow up basic attack was not slowing.
Fixed an issue where this ability could crit when the projectile reaches maximum range.
Improved audio feedback for the follow up hit.
Protector's Surge
This ability is now properly classified as a leap.
Fixed an issue where this ability would sometimes fail to heal.
To The Skies
Fixed an issue where teleported allies would sometimes not receive a shield.
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