Fixed an issue where Horus would not get to use his follow up ranged attack on ability if he was CC'd at a certain time. He is intended to always gain this range attack after firing this ability.
This underworld creature has been underappreciated most of this year. Camazotz had a brief showing in the worlds placements as a King Arthur counter, but aside from that this god has rarely been seen in any level of play. Camazotz is seeing some big buffs this patch to focus on his primary design feature: lifesteal. His passive lifesteal is being increased on both abilities where it can be obtained, and his bonus healing is rising to prevent him from being easily countered by anti-heals. Finally, his leap range is being increased to closer to the usual distance to help him chase or escape like the true assassin he is! Olympians pathnotes.png
Essence Drinker
Increased Passive Buff from 6% to 8% Physical Lifesteal and Increased Healing.
Many players have claimed this destroyer of gods is unbeatable in the solo lane. Jormungandr's win rate doesn't necessarily point to him being OP, but his pick rate is through the roof and a large amount of solo laners struggle to out lane him. We are increasing the damage Jorm takes while debuffed from his passive to help players pick more specific counters to the big snake. He will also be heavily affected by the Jade Emperor's Helm change.
Increased damage taken from 10% to 15% when this debuff is active.
A mighty storm indeed. After his recent buffs Kukulkan's metrics skyrocketed to be pretty clearly the winningest god in all of SMITE, across all game modes and skill levels. These buffs overperformed our expectations, so we are toning him back down slightly. Both of these changes target the exact same things we buffed, and partially revert them. This should put Kukulkan is a nice spot in between these two balance points. Olympians pathnotes.png
Partial revert on Whirlwind application time.
Increased refresh/application time from 0.25s to 0.35s.
Partial revert on Whirlwind damage.
Decreased Damage per tick from 10/20/30/40/50 to 9/18/27/36/45.
Mage ADCs have created some interesting balance situations throughout Season 6. Olorun has been in a relatively good spot since his launch, but has risen to a slightly dangerous level recently. His early game is intended to be a bit slower to even out his devastating late game. Olorun has unique power scaling on basic attacks for Mages so he highly benefits from Base Power. This is being toned down to make Olorun's early game less threatening, but not return it to his original state where it was nonexistent.
This hyper carry can output an insane amount of late game damage. This god was a popular pick in the placement stages of worlds and often was the game changer for his team. Set is a high skill god that does not excel in all places, so we are applying a rather small nerf to him just to mitigate his max damage potential. Olympians pathnotes.png
Fixed an issue where the Rise of the Spawn achievement could not be earned.
This goddess has launched at quite a low balance point yes it's true! Yemoja is one of the lowest win-rate gods across all game modes and skill levels. Through our usual process we focused on gathering data and addressing quality of life concerns and bugs instead of quickly buffing underperforming launches. This has been our strategy all year and its led to very positive community feedback. However, now that we have enough data we have decided the goddess of rivers really does need some changes.
One of the primary dislikes about Yemoja was her build paths. Her passive forced builds to be very constrained, so 2 of her 3 Bonus Omi are being shifted to be earned through level, while only 1 requires a mana item to be built. Another issue we noticed was that players were rarely making contact with her abilities. Her offensive abilities have strange shapes and scaling sizes which makes them especially difficult to land, so both forms of ability 1 are seeing slight increases. Her healing was also lower than expected for a Goddess designed to play that role, so this is being slightly increased as well. Olympians pathnotes.png
Yemoja will be banned on Infinite Mana Match of the Day Modes.
King Arthur will also be banned in these modes.
Fixed an issue where her basic attacks were not hitting enemy deployables in some cases.
Fixed an issue where her ultimate ability could move towers.
Changed objectives to earn Omi from 300/450/600 mana and MP5 to:
Bonus Omi 1: Reaching lvl 4.
Bonus Omi 2: Reaching lvl 12.
Bonus Omi 3: Obtaining 300 Mana/MP5 from items.
Bouncing Bubble
Increase radius from 12 to 14.
Increase min radius from 10 to 12.
Mending Waters
Increased healing from 20/40/60/80/100 to 30/55/80/105/130.
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