The god of bees has hardly been causing buzz in Season 5. After he dominated the meta in Season 4 he received some nerfs that appeared to be necessary. These nerfs combined with the many meta shifts of a new Season left AMC in a much lower than intended spot. We are reverting one of those nerfs completely, and halfway reverting the other.
We are also making another adjustment to the god. Although it's a nerf we don't expect it to harm him very much. The component of the Bees! Passive that could Disarm enemies was inconsistent and confusing. We are removing this effect entirely along with the buffs he's getting.
This ability no longer disarms enemies.
Increased Attack Speed Buff from 10/15/20/25/30% to 10/17.5/25/32.5/40%.
Increased Movement Speed Buff from 5/10/15/20/25% to 10/15/20/25/30%.
Aphrodite has become a top pick for the solo lane. Her healing hugely outpaces Guan Yu, Ra, Sylvanus, and Chang'e. Hel is the only one who can come close to her healing numbers. The Magical Power scaling on the Heal of Love Birds is being reduced to bring this into line with other gods. Aphrodite has great potential and has been used in pro game in many different ways. Her Back Off combo with an Assassin can deal insane burst damage and her ultimate can protect an ally from any situation. We like these unique applications but her healing, especially out of combat, was outpacing all of the competition.
Love Birds
Decreased Magical Power Scaling of the Heal from 15% per tick 12.5% per tick (90% total to 75%).
It's about time Apollo got back on stage playing that beautiful music. This hunter has fallen off heavily over the years. As SMITE's hunter meta has shifted we are rarely seeing Apollo, even with his powerful range of utility effects on his abilities. To further strengthen his utility he is regaining an effect that the he lost long ago. Apollo's Ultimate will once again apply a Knockup to enemies hit by the last damaging pulse of the ability. However, the Knockup's height and direction is being shifted to allow better counterplay and to allow Apollo and his teammates to better synergize with the effect.
Across the Sky
Enemies hit by the last tick of the ultimate landing be be knocked up.
Awilix and Suku should be a top tier choice against highly mobile teams, but her priority as a counter pick seems to be overshadowed by other Assassins. We are increasing the strafe speed of Awilix while she is riding Suku as a nice QoL buff. This should make her feel more fluid and responsive while she roams and sets up her ganks. We are also decreasing the Cooldown of her Ultimate to play up her role as a counter to leap-heavy squads. This effect is so unique and powerful in SMITE and should remain strong to prevent teams from relying too much on mobility.
Summon Suku
Increased strafe speed on Suku by changing Hard Cap on movement speed from 175 to 225.
Updated ability description to show this is a speed cap not percent reduction of speed.
Khepri continues to be somehow unnoticed in the Guardian roster. Players have learned to adapt to his Ultimate and are countering it more effectively. His recent buffs helped slightly, and we want to continue with some slight buffs to avoid returning to his definitively overpowered previous state. In this patch we will adjust his passive to help it make an impact on his entire team, instead of just one person. We also are adding a new component to Abduct to help him avoid one of his worst weaknesses. Khepri wants to set his team up for kills but can often be instantly bursted down if he manages to Abduct an enemy. These new protections should allow him to be more aggressive with his Crowd Control.
Increased Radius from 30 to 40.
Khepri Now gains 10/15/20/25/30 Magical and Physical Protections while holding an enemy God he hit with Abduct.
Another god who was once controlling the meta has fallen off in a major way. Osiris lost his Death's Toll start and Warriors that rely on Basic Attacks have been getting buffs this season to compensate. Osiris now gets his turn by upping the damage on his low cooldown skillshot. Chaining Sickle Strikes together is a key feature of the god and we want to reward players who can consistently use the ability. The Lord of the Afterlife is also seeing a cooldown decrease on his Ultimate. The complete negation of healing by this ability makes him a great counterpick in a sustain meta.
Sickle Strike
Increased Base Damage from 60/105/150/195/240 to 60/110/160/210/260.
Ra is at the highest point he has ever been. His popularity and performance have both skyrocketed recently in Normal games as well as SPL. The healer meta and his strong objective secure have made him a high priority god. Specifically in the SPL we saw that his Ultimate, which has the shortest cooldown in the game, was allowing him to pressure teams to an unhealthy level. No objective could be taken, no team fight could be started, without first checking the enemy Ra. We are taking Searing Pain and increasing the cooldown slightly to allow more counterplay to Ra's strengths.
Searing Pain
Increased cooldown from 70/65/60/55/50s to 80/75/70/65/60s.
The Morrigan was shapeshifting all over the Conquest map in Season 4, but with the many changes to the meta she fell out of favor slightly. She can struggle to clear early, but her late-game damage and utility more than makes up for it. What we want to adjust instead is her mobility. The Morrigan played well as a roaming ganker in Season 4, but the larger Map in Season 5 made this harder for her. She is getting movement speed increases across the board on her Confusion ability to bring her back to the battleground.
Increased Movement Speed from 20/25/30/35/40% to 30/32.5/35/37.5/40%.
Another Warrior that has been seeing less play this year is Tyr. This Warrior is quite difficult to play and we can see that in the data. His stance changing works differently than other stance changers, and his greatest strength lies in an all-in combo that can be easily negated. To buff Tyr we are introducing an entirely new component to him which adds a lot more flexibility to his kit and adds more playstyle choice. Tyr's Fearless in Guard Stance was a very underwhelming ability, but now it will Disarm opponents and deal slightly more damage. This allows him slow down his lane opponents clear, lets him counter hunter DPS in team fights, and even lets him break enemies' Magi's Cloak bubbles by himself. This added effect should keep Tyr difficult to play, but give him even more ways to succeed when cleverly utilized.
Guard Stance of this ability now Disarms enemy gods for 1.5s.
Guard Stance damage is now separated from assault stance.
Guard Stance damage increased from 40/90/140/190/240 to 70/120/170/220/270. (assault stance damage is unchanged)
Since Xbalanque's Passive change and other adjustments, the god has been performing extremely well and his pick/ban % has increased drastically. We are applying the same fix to his passive as Shaman's Ring, which will slow down his power ramp slightly while also providing much clearer feedback. His Ultimate is also being increased in Cooldown to be consistent with other global Ultimates. This ability might not seem immediately impactful to some as it deals no damage and can be very situational, but the blind is a very powerful effect. The advantage gained over a blinded team can quickly end games and it should have a Cooldown that matches its effect.
Dead of Night
Damage required to stack is now counted post-mitigation.
Adjusted buff bar icons to show difference between damage counter stacks and Physical Power buff stacks.
Darkest of Nights
Increased Cooldown from 90s to 110s.
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