Kukulkan excels when he is able to maintain proper spacing between himself and enemies, especially towards the late game. By reducing Slipstreams cooldown per rank Kukulkan will more often have one of his spacing tools available to him.
Raijin is a character who has a lot of potential to disrupt and poke out enemies, and when choosing to use his escape ability offensively with Raiju he can have some hefty burst as well. With this change we want to limit the amount of burst that comes from the easiest to confirm combo.
Thunder Crash
Lightning Damage reduced from 20/30/40/50/60 to 20/25/30/35/40.
Thunder Damage reduced from 40/60/80/100/120 to 40/50/60/70/80.
Ratatoskr has had a fairly powerful release, so we are looking to take away some of his power throughout the game. In addition to his hotfix adjustment Dart is seeing a base damage decreased while Flurry is seeing adjustments in its cooldown and protection shred. We will continue to monitor the new Ratatoskr closely to ensure he is in a healthy balance spot.
Base damage reduced from 100/140/180/220/260 to 80/120/160/200/240.
Cooldown increased from 12s to 14s.
Protection Debuff Reduced from 2/3/4/5/6 to 2/2/3/3/4.
Storm Kata when combined with Bluestone Pendant was allowing Susano to control the pace of the early game. By removing some of the edge on Storm Kata and removing its ability to proc Bluestone Pendant (and other item effects) twice, players should find more room to play against this mobile assassin.
Storm Kata
Scaling reduced from 90% to 80% on both hits.
No longer procs multiple item affects (like Bluestone Pendant) more than once.
Fixed an issue with this ability when ranked up mid use.
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