Da Ji has not been torturing her opponents as much as she would like. While her burst potential could be high, it was difficult to confirm her Damage and effectively chase targets.
We are increasing her overall Damage, giving Horrible Burns a scaling Slow, and giving One Thousand Cuts Knock-Up immunity to help her get in and effectively fight.
We also made a few updates targeted at improving her overall flow, such as removing the post-fire time on Trickster Spirit and allowing players to cancel from the Paolao early.
Horrible Burns
Applied a 10/15/20/25/30% Slow.
One Thousand Cuts
Updated the description to state the increased Movement Speed.
Increased Base Damage per rank from 15/35/55/75/95 -> 15/40/65/90/115 (60/140/220/300/380 to 60/160/260/360/460 Total).
Increased Physical Power scaling per hit from 20% -> 30% (80% to 120% Total).
Now Knock-Up immune while channeling.
Fixed an issue where this Ability would gain invisible FX.
Trickster Spirit
Reduced post-fire time from .2 -> 0.
Fixed the description to state the correct Mana cost.
Paolao can now be canceled early. Right clicking or canceling will bring up the jump targeter, allowing Da Ji to jump from the Paolao early.
Increased duration of shooting time from 3s -> 5s.
Increased Paolao deployable duration from 7s -> 9s.
This (tough and pro bono) work is a derivative of some content from smite.gamepedia.com available under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license.