All of Anubis' abilities reduce the enemies magical protection by 12 for 3 seconds
Plague of Locusts
A plague of locusts bellows forth from Anubis' mouth, smothering all enemies in the area and doing 30/50/65/80/95 (+40% of your magical power) magical damage every .5 for 3s. Cost - 60/70/80/90/100 mana. Cooldown - 18/17/16/15/14s.
Anubis fires a bandage projectile, mummifying his target for 2 seconds. Cost - 60 mana. Cooldown - 20/19/18/17/16
Grasping Hands
Anubis calls for help from the underworld as hands penetrate the ground and claw at his enemies, doing 25/40/55/70/85 (+35% of your magical power) magical damage every .5s and slowing the enemy by 30% for 2s. Cost - 70/80/90/100/110 mana. Cooldown - 15/14/13/12/11s.
Death Gaze
Anubis focuses all of his energy into a piercing gaze, doing 70/85/100/115/130 (+45% of your magical power) magical damage to all enemies in the path up to 70 feet away, every .3 seconds for 3 seconds. Cost - 90 mana. Cooldown - 90/85/80/75/70s.
Anubis is a unique mage, focusing on high risk and high reward positioning. We are increasing his Base Health Pool while lowering the cooldown on Grasping Hands. Having more options besides directly engaging with Plague of Locust with more survivability to go forwards should help balance the risk reward playstyle he is accustomed to.
Increase Base HP from 350 to 380.
Increase Base HP Per Level from 66 to 70.
Grasping Hands
Decrease Mana Cost from 70/75/80/85/90 to 60/65/70/75/80.
Decreased Cooldown 15/14/13/12/11s to 14/13/12/11/10s.
Anubis tends to excel at lower levels of play, but drop off at high end Conquest. The god is risky and fragile, but with a huge amount of damage potential.
We are increasing the early rank duration of his CC ability, Mummify. This should let him level his damaging skills more quickly, and help his early game aggression and self peel,
which can be especially important in high rank Conquest.
Increased Stun duration from 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2s to 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2s.
Anubis' mana costs really restrict his ability to stay out and fight during the mid and late game. Combined with his strong lifesteal this should really make his limiting factor his ability to survive and less about his mana costs.
Fixed an issue where Jackal Tech skin first ability FX could get stuck in place in the world.
Fixed an issue where Jackal Tech VGS would stop working.
Plague of Locusts
Mana cost decreased from 60/70/80/90/100 to 60/65/70/75/80.
Grasping Hands
Mana cost decreased from 70/80/90/100/110 to 70/75/80/85/90.
Anubis has a focused kit that relies on high damage output and pinpointed Crowd Control. With the changes to Mummify and Death Gaze these strengths are highlighted, allowing Anubis to have more control over the fights he commits to.
Increased Base Movement Speed from 350 to 360.
Reduced Cooldown from 18/17/16/15/14 to 16/15/14/13/12.
Anubis no longer plays a hit reaction animation when firing this ability. The reaction animations were causing the visual beam art to wildly change directions.
His magical power lifesteal scaling on his basic attacks has been set to 0%, to match the other magical damage dealing basic attack gods.
Sorrow (Passive)
The Magical Lifesteal portion of his passive has been changed to now scale base Magical Lifesteal from item contributions rather than grant it passively. Anubis will now have to purchase an item with Magical Lifesteal to gain this benefit. Each stack of Sorrow increases item-based Magical Lifesteal by 33% (doubling the item-based value at the max of 3 stacks while still respecting the 65% Magical Lifesteal cap).
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