Guan Yu gains +20 physical and magical protection when he is near friendly or enemy structures.
Tranquil Gift
Guan Yu's tranquil leadership is infectious and, when focused, heals himself and his allies for 50/85/120/155/190 (+50% of your magical power). Healing friendly gods reduces all cooldowns by 2s. Cost - 50/60/70/80/90 mana. Cooldown - 6s.
Warrior's Will
Guan Yu charges forward, his Green Dragon Crescent Blade extended in front of him. After passing through the area, enemies are damaged for 90/150/210/270/330 (+60% of your magical power) magical damage and slowed by 25% for 2s. Hitting enemy gods lowers all cooldowns by 2s. Cost - 50/60/70/80/90 mana. Cooldown - 6s.
Taolu Assault
Guan Yu spins his blade in a controlled but furious display, slicing enemies for 20/30/40/50/60 (+20% of your magical power) magical damage every .4s for 4s. Each hit debuffs the enemies protections by 10 while buffing Guan Yu the same amount, up to 30, for 3s. Guan Yu is immune to knockback for the duration. Cost - 60/65/70/75/80 mana. Cooldown - 13s.
Tactician's Advantage
Guan Yu attacks 3 times. Enemies hit take damage of 100/125/150/175/200 (+30% of your magical power) magical damage and are slowed by 25% for 2s. Enemies hit a 2nd time take damage +50% and are silenced for 2s. Enemies hit a 3rd time take damage +100% and are stunned for 2s. Guan Yu is immune to crowd control for the duration. Cost - 80/90/100/110/120 mana. Cooldown - 90s.
Rework - 28 August 2013
Guan Yu has been given an all new 3D Model, FX, Animations and 2D Art. His damaged has switched from Magical to Physical, and several abilities have changed (most especially his Passive and Ultimate). As preparation for this change, Master Guan Fu also spent time in the gym and has grown some muscles and size.
Painless (PASSIVE)
Guan Yu gains force of will as he takes damage. Each instance of damage he receives charges up his Conviction ability, increasing its healing by up to 2x after 20 hits. Guan Yu's basic attacks also utilize a four-swing chain with escalating damage and swing time, hitting in a longer narrow line in front of him on the final blow. Max Heal Multiplier: 2x. Num Hits to Full Charge: 20x. Melee ProgressionL: 1/1/1.3/1.75x damage and swing time.
Guan Yu's courageous leadership is infectious and, when focused, heals himself and his allies and increases physical protections for 3s. Healing friendly gods reduces all cooldowns by 2s. Healing: 50/80/110/140/170. Physical Protection: 10/15/20/25/30. Cost: 60/70/80/90/100. Cooldown: 14s.
Warrior's WIll
Guan Yu charges forward, his Green Dragon Crescent Blad extended in front of him. All enemies in his path take damage and are slowed. Hitting enemy gods lowers all of Guan Yu's cooldowns by 2s. Damage: 80/135/190/245/300 (+50% of your physical power). Slow: 20%. Slow Duration: 2s. Cost: 60/70/80/90/100. Cooldown: 14s.
Taolu Assault
Guan Yu spins his blade in a controlled but furious display, slicing enemies for damage every .3s for 3s. Each hit debuffs the enemies' protections while buffing Guan Yu the same amount. Guan Yu is immune to knockback for the duration. Damage per Hit: 15/25/35/45/55 (+20% of your physical power). Protection Buff/Debuff: 10. Buff/Debuff Max Stacks: 3. Buff/Debuff Duration: 3s. Cost: 60/65/70/75/80. Cooldown: 15s.
Cavalry Charge
Guan Yu mounts his warhorse and charges for 4s. While mounted, he can steer and click to attack and is immune to crowd control. Enemies hit take damage and are slowed. Each hit increases damage from consecutive hits against that target by 20%. Enemies hit on the dismount are stunned. Damage: 75/100/125/150/175 (+30% of your physical power). Damage escalation: 20% per hit. Slow: 25% for 2s. Stun: 1.5s. Cost: 80/90/100/110/120. Cooldown: 90s.
Taolu Assault feels like it should be powerful on paper. While it does high damage and shreds, its short range takes heavy management to be used effectively, often falling short of easier and more reliable abilities. A base damage increase will make the effort feel more rewarded.
Taolu Assault
Increased Damage per tick from 15/25/35/45/55 to 20/30/40/50/60
Guan Yu's Passive encourages constant fighting once it has become active, but doesn't convey the information needed to make smart combat decisions. Guan Yu will now slightly flash as this passive is going to fade to let Guan Yu players know if they are about to lose this effect.
When this passive is about to fade an additional FX will play.
Fixed an issue where some skins were missing the passive effect entirely.
Guan Yu’s dash had a locked camera, making this ability handle strangely and prevented Guan Yu from quickly turning like other dashes allow. This will make Guan Yu more responsive. A true quality of life” change.
Guan Yu is the prominent physical power healer. This gives him a unique role on any squad. He is powerful in extended combat scenarios due to his passive and he can run down almost any god with his ultimate. Even with these features he tends to be underplayed. To help make him feel even better to play we are giving him some small yet impactful base stat changes. With faster attack speed per level, Guan Yu's powerful hit chain should be especially potent in the lane phase. With more mana per level Guan Yu should be able to more effectively use his whole kit through those longer fights, which he is designed to excel in.
Increased Base Attack Speed per level from 0.9 to 1.2.
A while back Guan Yu got significant changes that pushed him towards the top of Ranked and Normal play. His Passive applying to all abilities while in combat caused
him him excel in many ways, especially with Conviction getting a 2x healing multiplier. When we changed this to 1.5x he quickly fell out of favor and went back to struggling behind the rest of the Gods.
We feel we can bring back some of his healing capability and find a solid middle ground where Guan Yu will feel impactful but not overwhelming.
Guan Yu received a substantial buff to his passive in 5.8 which caused him to quickly skyrocket in both performance and popularity. The Saint of War is definitely enjoying his new offensive capabilities, but his healing is causing problems. We will be keeping a close eye on healers in the coming patches as they have a high potential to shift the entire meta. Guan Yu's overperformance will be the first to be addressed as we decrease his healing to a more reasonable amount.
Decreased Boosted Healing from 2x healing to 1.5x healing.
Guan Yu's hit chain has some unique animations that feel like they should have specific effects other gods have on theirs. His third hit which is a large swipe will now cleave enemies in the area, and the final hit which is a long forward strike will now have longer attack range. Along with this his passive is getting a tweak, allowing him to maintain maximum stacks as long as he stays in combat. As a god that is known for his extended fighting capability due to his low cooldowns, he now has a passive that matches that playstyle.
The third hit of Guan Yu's hit chain now cleaves.
The last hit of Guan Yu's hit chain range has been increased from 12 to 16.
The first two hits of Guan Yu's hit chain have remain unchanged.
Stacks now only reset when out of combat, rather than being consumed by a single ability.
Guan Yu is getting some love this patch. Since his rework he has been on the cusp of being viable”, as his stats have shown he performs fairly well in skilled hands. We want to enable those players more and highlight Guan Yu's unique niche role as a team healing Warrior.
His base mana is seeing an increase, allowing him to cast more abilities throughout the game. Considering his ability to reduce cooldown and his ability to spam skills, this should go a long way at helping Guan Yu keep fighting. We are also reducing the Mana cost of his heal to further this point. Healing is a unique part of Guan Yu and players should feel good about casting this skill in between their other skills. We expect these changes to help him stay in fights longer, while he helps his team do the same.
Mana per Level increased from 32 to 35.
Decreased Mana Cost from 60/65/70/75/80 to 60 at all ranks.
Guan Yu has struggled a bit this season. While he has good utility options and damage potential, it can be difficult to have consistent pressure. We are bringing up his Damage on Warrior's Will, while also allowing Taolu Assault's Protection Steal to last for a longer duration.
This will help Guan Yu contribute more to a team while also giving him protections for a longer period of time, helping him stay in the thick of a fight.
Warrior's Will
Increased Physical Power Scaling from 50% -> 60%.
Taolu Assault
Increased Duration of Protection Steal from 3s -> 3/3.5/4/4.5/5s.
Guan Yu is another healer seeing a shift. His healing is being overall reduced but he is receiving a large damage increase to his ultimate to compensate. Warrior's Will is also receiving an adjustment that is focused around removing high slows that self apply diminishing returns. We will be watching this shift closely to see where he falls once new items are in play.
Decreased Base Healing from 65/95/125/155/185 -> 50/75/100/125/150.
Decreased Boosted Healing from 130/190/250/310/370 -> 100/150/200/250/300.
Warrior's Will
Decreased Mana Cost from 60/70/80/90/100 -> 60/65/70/75/80.
Slow Reduced from 30% -> 20%.
Boosted Slow reduced from 60% -> 40%.
Cavalry Charge
Increased Base Damage from 75/100/125/150/175 -> 85/115/145/175/205.
Guan Yu had a major adjustment last patch and after watching his performance we want to make sure he is still healing for an impactful amount while allowing him to use his new passive more often.
Decreased the number of hits to max stacks from 30 to 20.
Increased Healing from 50/80/110/140/170 to 65/95/125/155/185.
Increased Boosted Healing from 100/160/210/280/340 to 130/190/250/310/370.
Guan Yu's is gaining a new set of powerful tools to apply to different combat scenarios but his passive is being adjusted to only proc when at full stacks. Guan Yu has been locked into the role of group healer in the past but his new Passive will give him more ways to influence a team fight other than just healing.
New Passive – Painless
Each time Guan Yu deals or receives damage he gains a stack. Stacks are gained from minions and gods. At max stacks the next ability used will have a boosted effect.
Maximum stacks increased from 20 to 30.
Healing increased from 50/80/110/140/170 to 100/160/210/280/340 when boosted by Painless.
Warrior's Will
Slow increased from 30% to 60% when boosted by Painless.
Taolu Assault
Protection Steal increased from 2/4/6/8/10 to 3/6/9/12/15 when boosted by Painless.
Cavalry Charge
Slow increased from 20% to 40% and Stun increased from 1s to 2s when boosted by Painless.
Guan Yu is a Warrior who excels around being in a fight, shredding Protections, healing his team and dashing through targets. We wanted to reward him more for doing these things. His Passive will now also build stacks on dealing damage to enemy gods and the Cooldown on his dash was reduced. He should now be able to assist his team with more powerful heals and use his lower Cooldown to be in better positions.
Guan Yu now builds stacks upon dealing damage to an enemy god, as well as receiving damage
Reduced mana cost from 60/70/80/90/100 to 60/65/70/75/80.
This ability no longer provides protections.
Taolu Assault
Physical and Magical protection debuff increased from 3/4/5/6/7 to 2/4/6/8/10.
This ability now (or once again) steals physical and magical protections per hit, granting the protections to Guan Yu, at the same rate as the protections debuff.
Protection buff and debuff now scales 6/7/8/9/10 per rank, rather than being 10 at all ranks.
Guan Yu’s basic attack progression now uses the same standard hit cone on the final hit as the first three. This should remove inconsistencies in target selection between hits
Cooldown reduction now properly applies to the abilities at the time they are used. If Tranquil Gift heals an allied player, the cooldown starts with 2 seconds removed. If Warrior’s Will hits an enemy player, the cooldown starts with 2 seconds removed. This change allows for greater variance between using these abilities in the right and wrong situations.
Tranquil Gift
Cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 10 seconds.
Magical power contribution has been reduced from 50% to 35%.
Warrior’s Will
Cooldown increased from 6 seconds to 10 seconds.
Magical power contribution has been reduced from 60% to 50%.
Taolu Assault
Cooldown increased from 13 seconds to 15 seconds.
Base damage per hit has been decreased from 20/30/40/50/60 to 15/20/25/30/35.
Magical power contribution has been reduced from 20% to 15% per hit.
Tactician's Advantage
Base starting damage has been reduced from 100/125/150/175/200 to 75/100/125/150/175.
Magical power contribution has been reduced from 30% to 20%.
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