Allies within 30ft of Cabrakan take 5% reduced damage.
Seismic Crush
Cabrakan becomes enraged, increasing his movement speed by 15/20/25/30/35% for 5s. While active, Cabrakan's next successful basic attack will stun for 1s and do 100/125/175/225/275 +50% of your magical power as bonus damage. Additionally, Cabrakan is immune to slows and roots while this ability is active. Cooldown 18s. Cost 50/55/60/65/70.
Refraction Shield
Passive: Cabrakan gains 15/20/25/30/35 increased Magical and Physical protections from his shields. As his shields take damage they store energy and gain up to 5 stacks but shed 3/4/5/6/7 protections per stack.
Cabrakan repeatedly slams the ground with his shields creating an earthquake and causing enemies around him to tremble. Enemies caught in the earthquake take 25/35/45/55/65 + 25% of your Magical power as damage every .5s and are slowly sucked in towards Cabrakan. Cooldown 8s. Cost 15/20/25/30/35 every .5s.
Tectonic Shift
Cabrakan stomps the ground creating a wall of earth and a fissure that travels out in front of him and deals 100/200/250/300/350 +70% of your Magical power as damage to any enemies caught in its path. The walls may be destroyed if they take enough damage. Cabrakan may destroy his own walls with a single basic attack. Cooldown 75s. Cost 100.
Cabrakan will now only be able to cancel tremors by using the cancel” input (right click on PC). This should prevent occurences of players accidentally cancelling the ability too soon
Cabrakan has not seen much play for a long time. While we meme him as Fat Loki, he struggles as a Guardian and even when going damage it's difficult to really lock down opponents. Seismic Crush will now be a consistent 1s stun, giving support Cabrakan a consistent moment to play off of and lessening the diminishing returns inherent in his abilities. Tremor will also no longer cause minions to spiral around, making it easier for Cabrakan to group minions for himself or his teammates for clear.
Seismic Crush
The stun from this ability no longer suffers from Diminishing Returns.
No longer tremors minions, instead pulling them more directly to Cabrakan.
Cabrakan immediately slammed the ground but there was a distinct delay before applying any effects. This has been fixed helping Tremor feel more responsive.
Now deals an initial tick of damage immediately upon casting.
Cabrakan's Tremors are taxing on this mountain breaker's mana pool at all stages of the game. We are lowering its base to allow him to use this unique ability more freely, while ensuring his Mana Pool scales to keep up with its increasing cost.
Increased Base Mana per level from 34 to 38.
Decreased Mana Cost from 15/20/25/30/35 to 10/15/20/25/30.
Cabrakan's Ultimate was a strange shape that often caused confusion on both sides of the battleground. This ability would clearly appear to hit but not deal damage.
For a Guardian (or Assassin?) That relies heavily on burst damage, confirming this ability is a big deal. 6.1 is bringing a major quality of life buff to Tectonic
Shift in that this ability now hit in a clear area in front of Cabrakan.
Tectonic Shift
Expanded the hit area of this ability to damage all gods in the entire rectangle shape in front of Cabrakan. This area is as wide as his wall area is now, extending from Cabrakan up to to the range of the walls.
Cabrakan has been more of a 2 or 3 on the Richter Scale lately. This god has massive potential but his flex pick status and extreme aggression for a tank can make him tough to balance. To help his impact we are adding a decreasing scaling cooldown to his primary movement ability, Seismic Crush. This will increase his flexibility even further so with this change Cabrakan could be showing up more in Jungle, Solo, or Support, which is quite exciting.
Cabrakan has seen a large amount of competitive play since the start of Season 4. His strength comes from his ability to quickly clear the first minion wave before pressuring the enemy solo laner and their jungle.
We are reducing his Tremors damage to slightly increase his clear time on the first wave while also lowering his base protections. This will give enemy solo laners more time to also clear the wave and get more damage onto Cabrakan.
Reduced Base Physical Protection from 23 -> 20
Decreased Damage from 25/35/45/55/65 -> 22/32/42/52/62.
Cabrakan has been smashing up the battleground after his recent adjustments. The changes made him a bit too tanky relative to his increased damage. In this patch we adjusted Refraction Shield, lowering the base damage slightly and lowering the overall protections he gains conditionally to compensate for his passive mitigation. Additionally, Tectonic Shift is now more consistent in how many hits it takes to destroy, allowing for better readability and counterplay when against Cabrakan.
Refraction Shield
Decreased damage from 100/160/220/280/340 to 100/155/210/265/320.
Decreased Protections per stack from 4/5/6/7/8 to 2/3/4/5/6.
Tectonic Shift
Changed number of hits to destroy walls from 2/3/4/5/6 to 3 at all ranks.
Cabrakan is seeing a few changes that are part QoL and part increased effectiveness. Shadow Zone will now affect himself, providing him a boost in survivability. Seismic Crush and Refraction Shield are also seeing their base damage scalings made consistent per level. Overall Cabrakan should see more consistent output with a small adjustment upwards in damage.
Shadow Zone
Now affects Cabrakan Himself.
Seismic Crush
Changed Damage from 100/125/175/225/275 (50%) to 100/145/190/235/280 (50%).
Refraction Shield
Changed Damage from 90/160/200/260/330 (50%) to 100/160/220/280/340 (50%).
This ability has been changed to gain protections on each hit, rather than remove them. 4/5/6/7/8 per stack, max 5 stacks. Stacks are reset after 8s, or upon use of the active part of this ability.
This ability no longer gives passive protections.
Base damage increased from 90/140/190/240/290 to 90/160/200/260/330.
Magical Power scaling increased from 25% to 35%
Fixed an issue that caused the animation for Tremors to end without the ability being canceled.
Tectonic Shift
Walls no longer have health, but instead take 2/3/4/5/6 hits for enemies to destroy. Walls can now only be destroyed by basic attacks.
Base damage increased from 100/200/250/300/350 to 150/250/350/450/550.
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