Athena tends to be a solid option in competitive play but more on the fringe everywhere else. Her Ultimate, Defender of Olympus highlights skilled Athena players, and we want to better reward Athena players who really know when to help their teammates caught in a bad situation.
Defender Of Olympus
Increased Damage Mitigation given to the targeted ally from 20% to 30%.
Awilix has moments to shine but even in strong matchups she struggles, and Mid Season seems to have taken a toll on her power. Awilix is getting some help in both managing her playstyle (with a reduced mana cost burden) and in direct power (Feather Step Base Damage). Additionally Suku has learned to strafe more effectively making it easier to position during combat.
Increased Base Mana from 220 to 240
Increased MP5 per level from 0.27 to 0.46
Summon Suku
Decreased Mana Cost from 50/55/60/65/70 to 30/35/40/45/50.
Increased strafe speed on Suku by changing Hard Cap on movement speed from 225 to 275.
Updated ability description to show this is a speed cap not percent reduction of speed.
Fixed an issue where this ability would go on cooldown if interrupted.
(This was fixed in 7.4 but was not listed properly.)
Feather Step
Increased Base Damage from 40/75/110/145/180 to 50/85/120/155/190.
This big boy is a perpetual meta pick in Non-Conquest game modes, with his ability to mitigate and dish out serious damage. He still is struggling in Conquest, though, even with his changes to Chug last year. We are increasing his Belch base damage back to a previous value to help him better compete vs other Duo Laners.
Belch of the Gods
Increased Base Damage from 20/35/50/65/80 to 25/40/55/70/85 per tick.
Similar to Isis, her rework released strong but with multiple nerfs she is now struggling to make an impact. Pounce's scaling gives Bastet the extra kick she needs late game and should help her succeed in her Assassin role.
Increased Physical Power scaling from 90% to 100%.
Cabrakan has not seen much play for a long time. While we meme him as Fat Loki, he struggles as a Guardian and even when going damage it's difficult to really lock down opponents. Seismic Crush will now be a consistent 1s stun, giving support Cabrakan a consistent moment to play off of and lessening the diminishing returns inherent in his abilities. Tremor will also no longer cause minions to spiral around, making it easier for Cabrakan to group minions for himself or his teammates for clear.
Seismic Crush
The stun from this ability no longer suffers from Diminishing Returns.
No longer tremors minions, instead pulling them more directly to Cabrakan.
Everyone's favorite voice pack can be a solid god pick, but never quite a top pick. Mid Season 7 is no different for Chaac. Rain Dance brings unique area control, attack speed debuffs, and self sustain, but its cooldown made it very restrictive. A lower cooldown opens up additional options.
Cu Chulainn is another god that was able to leverage Gladiator's Shield really well. With multiple abilities to trigger it, he gained bonus sustain during teamfights. We are lowering the cooldown on his primary poke to give him more options during extended fights.
Icons CuChulainn A01B
Decreased Cooldown from 16/15/14/13/12 to 15/14/13/12/11s.
Isis had a strong few patches during her visual rework, but with repeated nerfs she has fallen out of favor. The Spirit Ball change was likely a nerf too far, so reverting this should place her in a healthy spot.
Warriors have seen many adjustments in recent patches, with many changes to their itemization. We are bringing up some Warriors that we have seen struggle more directly with these changes. We expect that over time many different strategies will be figured out and will be responsive to these shifts.
Osiris heavily relied on low cooldown spam with Gladiator's Shield to sustain himself. While he still bullies the early game we wanted to give him better utility during teamfights. Judgement Tether will now provide some additional damage reduction to enemies tethered.
Judgement Tether
Increased Damage Reduction from 10/15/20/25/30% to 15/20/25/30/35%.
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