Ares received a pretty intense buff a few months back but was quickly forgotten about in the Conquest meta. Ares is a uniquely aggressive guardian so he can struggle to play the support role. To give Ares a little more control in difficult team fights we are decreasing the self slow he applies to himself while ulting. This will allow him to better avoid incoming attacks and will also give him more control of where he pulls enemies to if they fail to avoid the pull.
Horus has fallen off pretty hard in most levels of play. This god has the potential to be a top support, yet is still struggling in the metrics. We are decreasing the cooldown of his primary engage and lockdown ability, which should make a big impact. Additionally, we are speeding up his movement speed while flying in his ultimate. This number here looks insane but diminishing returns apply harshly during the effect. The speed increase should be noticeable but not overly shocking.
Decreased Cooldown from 16s to 16/15.5/15/14.5/14s
To the Skies
Increased from 35% to 135% Horus now moves faster in the air while selecting a target
he King Kappa has a gun now, but with his treasured Hide of the Nemean Lion being nerfed the big guy has struggled. We are looking to make him a more reliable support, by making his defense passive stack for much longer and for giving him more control over where he takes enemies hit by Sumo Slam. In addition to those defensive changes, we are removing the cap on NeNe kappas spawned. Kuzenbo’s kappa army will finally be realized!
Water Bowl
Increased Duration from 10s to 30s
Nene Kappa
Kuzenbo can now spawn multiple NeNes
Sumo Slam
Adjusted turn radius to allow for more control over turns
New gods are always an interesting balance project. Of course, there is always a lot of feedback about them being OP, even when stats clearly suggest otherwise. Mulan has been relatively balanced, and near the middle of the pack. Feedback about her being OP has been a bit more quiet than usual, and her stats are low but not alarmingly low. We have heard clear feedback that her Ultimate feels underwhelming, so we are adding a new component to it to reward Mulan’s who have built defenses already.
Spear Thrust
Increased speed of the rollout hit area of this ability
Divine Mastery
While firing this ability, Mulan’s protections are increased by 30%
The Egyptian Sun God hasn’t seen the light of buffs in quite a while! This god still hold a special place in many player’s hearts, but he has struggled in the metrics lately. We are bringing back an element of Ra that his kit actually had in closed beta SMITE, where his Solar Blessing will give his allies a Power buff while they are inside it. This encourages Ra to use this ability in combat, and gives him some interesting strategies around structures or jungle bosses
Solar Blessing
This ability now provides 10/15/20/25/30 physical power and 20/25/30/35/40 Magical Power to allied gods who while standing in the area
Our final balance change is more of a QoL or bug fix, but it will certainly have a balance impact. First we fixed a small bug around Scylla’s max rank protection debuff on Crush, but that’s not the big news. Scylla will now be able to refire crush even while CC’d or dead, this is a long-time request and since we have applied it to some other gods we feel that it’s only fair Scylla gets it too. We will also continue to look at this concept for any other gods who might need it.
Fixed an issue where Crush would not apply protection reduction to slow immune targets
Only impacts last rank
Scylla can now refire this ability even while under the effects of crowd control, or while dead.
The Goddess of Discord has caused quite a debate in the SMITE community, which is exactly where she wants us. Many players are convinced that Discordia is not as strong as she needs to be to compete in the current meta. Generally people perceive her Ultimate to be the weakest part of her kit, as the warmup and travel time are both quite slow and easily avoidable. We are making the apple travel much faster to help it hit its target.
Golden Apple of Discord
Increased Projectile Speed from 80 to 120
Decreased Speed from 120 to 100. (Was 80 before patch).
Increased range from 150 to 190. (This keeps the lifetime of the ultimate similar.)
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