Anubis is a unique mage, focusing on high risk and high reward positioning. We are increasing his Base Health Pool while lowering the cooldown on Grasping Hands. Having more options besides directly engaging with Plague of Locust with more survivability to go forwards should help balance the risk reward playstyle he is accustomed to.
Increase Base HP from 350 to 380.
Increase Base HP Per Level from 66 to 70.
Grasping Hands
Decrease Mana Cost from 70/75/80/85/90 to 60/65/70/75/80.
Decreased Cooldown 15/14/13/12/11s to 14/13/12/11/10s.
Arachne has been crawling up the ban rate over the last season. Someone from a year ago would laugh at this adjustment, but she has become a serious contender that nobody is taking lightly. Her metrics (play count, ban count, win rate) at high MMR is far above others, not just in her class but across the board. Her ability to chase down kills early and sustain in boxing matches makes her a difficult opponent to fight against. We are targeting both of these aspects by lowering the healing from Venomous Bite and the slow applied from Web. Arachne will still excel are wrapping up her opponents, but they now stand a better fighting chance.
Venomous Bite
Decreased Base Healing per Tick from 10/20/30/40/50 + 10% to 8/16/24/32/40 + 8%.
Chiron brings strong abilities to the table, but as a Hunter he lacks enough late scaling oomph and utility. While he shouldn't compete directly with a Vengeful Assault Artemis, a boost to even the difference will go a long way in helping him feel more impactful. Masterful Shot will further highlight his ability utility and help him land those crucial Basic Attacks.
Increased Base Attack Speed Per Level from 1.1 to 1.4.
Even time is slowing down this patch. Chronos has risen to be a powerful contender this Season, even with some of his core items being adjusted. Accelerate's movement speed makes him difficult to trade favorably against, creating opportunities where he can run you down with little chance of putting himself in danger. By reducing this, in conjunction with the Ring trees speed removal, Chronos players will need to be more tactical lest have their time alive cut short.
The Queen of the Gods is not going to sit idly by as a new queen enters the fray. Hera has moments of strength throughout the game but her early game is inconsistent. Polymorph's early damage is being increased to assist in both clear and harassment of other Gods.
Royal Assault
Fixed missing animation during wind up of firing ability.
Increased damage from 60/105/150/195/240 to 80/120/160/200/240.
The Goddess of Magic has seen a rise since the Mid Season update. She received a large list of direct buffs, Quality of Life Improvements and shifts that have really pushed her into the spotlight. In this update we are reducing Circle of Protection's mitigations to be in between her previous and new state. While this is more minor we want to make sure players have the opportunity to learn to play with and against the new Isis before looking at further changes.
Circle of Protection
Decreased Mitigations from 25% to 20% at all ranks.
Janus is a unique case of very difficult to master, both for the player using Janus but also for his team to follow up with. While we have accepted this will cause his win rate to be lower than most gods, he is looking especially low. Ideally those who have practiced sufficiently will still find a use for him. Since our last nerf he has seen very little high level play or success. We are partially reverting the last nerf, giving him access to slightly better mid pressure and farming opportunities.
Jormungandr is receiving a bug fix this patch. Consuming Bellow was not properly doing the math on its scaling per pool consumed, making him deal less damage than the tooltip would describe. We have fixed the bug and adjusted his values to keep them as close to the same as possible and not impact his current state of balance.
Consuming Bellow
Fixed Bonus Damage from absorbing clouds not scaling magical or physical power scaling.
Consuming Bellow
Fixed a bug where the bonus damage of this ability was not benefiting from magical power scaling properly.
Decreased Magical Power Scaling of the initial hit from 50% to 45%.
Decreased Magical Power Scaling of bonus damage from 10% to 5%.
Olorun is designed to be a hunter, through and through. We are updating his Base Health to be in-line with the Hunter Class rather than the Mage class he is in. Additionally, his abilities are intended to fill in his damage early on until his Basic Attacks successfully take over like traditional Hunters. Focused Light is gaining base power to better serve that purpose.
Increased Base Health from 400 to 450.
Fixed Fail-not from not allowing Crit on target.
Focused Light
Base Damage increased from 100/140/180/220/260 to 100/145/190/235/280.
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