Ao Kuang is one of the most consistently powerful gods in SMITE. He has remained strong even through recent adjustments and through all of the Season 5 mage item changes. We are decreasing the damage he deals on the ranged attack portion of Dragon Call. This will pressure Ao Kuang players to focus more on the true assassin playstyle he was meant to have. It should also make his poke damage more manageable, especially in Ranked Conquest.
Dragon Call
Decreased the Ranged Dragon Throw's Magical Power Scaling from 90% to 78% (from 15% to 13% per dragon).
Cu Chulainn tends to be very powerful at high skill levels but is quite balanced in most other metrics. We are removing the feature of his Berserk that granted him access to abilities he hadn't ranked up yet. This specific feature was often abused at early levels by high level Cu Chulainn players, causing him to snowball heavily in lane.
When transformed, Cu Chulainn will no longer gain access to abilities he has not put a single point in (except for his 2).
The Nine-Tailed Fox received some buffs recently that have put her over the top. The current meta and itemization especially favor her bursty style, so we are decreasing the power scaling on two key abilities. This should lead Da Ji to feel more counterable by decreasing her one shot potential.
Torture Blades
Decreased Physical Power Scaling from 20% to 14% (10% to 7% per tick).
Horrible Burns
Decreased Physical Power scaling on Burst Damage from 45% to 35%.
SMITE's newest mage has been causing plenty of strife on the battleground. She is a well rounded god that can deal decent damage at long range while also applying CC. The primary feature that led her to be slightly over-tuned was her safety. Even though erratic behavior is short range it provides a large amount of evasion in that Discordia can immediately go untargetable, then stealth herself and quickly regain her cooldowns. Limiting this one ability should have quite an impact on her entire kit.
Erlang Shen has struggled to find a solid identity in Season 5. Death's Toll was a major source of sustain for Erlang Shen, and with its removal he has struggled to compete as a tank, bruiser, or damage dealer. We are increasing the power of his base kit so he can better utilize items to create these playstyles.
Increased basic attack progression scaling to match swing time.
From 0.65/0.65/0.65/1/.8x to .75/0.75/0.75/1.1/.9x.
Spot Weakness
Increased cooldown reduction per Basic Attack from 0.75s to 1s.
Isis is often by outclassed by other mages. Her early lane clear is still one of the best in the game, but her utility abilities are still falling short. We are decreasing the cooldown on Dispel Magic and increasing the protective nature on Circle of Protection to help Isis' specific utility skills stand out more. Additionally, we are allowing Circle of Protection to hit and heal harder early on, giving Isis' ultimate more potency in the early game.
Movement Speed increased from 355 to 360.
Dispel Magic
Reduced Cooldown from 18s to 16s.
Circle of Protection
Increased Max Charge Dmg/Heal Scaling from 1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5 to 2.5/2.75/3/3.25/3.5.
Increase damage reduction from 15% 15/15/17.5/17.5/20.
Sobek no longer goes untargetable while plucking an enemy. He instead gains player passthrough, which will allow him to be hit by enemies while he is getting ready to throw someone.
The Monkey King was a force to be reckoned with in early Season 4. After a few cooldown nerfs he quickly fell out of favor. His Magic Cudgel has become quite underwhelming with the loss of Bluestone Pendant and with conquest minions becoming harder to kill. We are increasing the base damage on this (and thus the damage to minions) as well as reducing the mana cost to make SWK able to stand up to the common solo lane opponents.
The Magic Cudgel
Increase base damage from 80/120/160/200/240 to 90/130/170/210/250.
Decreased mana cost from 50/60/70/80/90 to 50/55/60/65/70.
Vulcan has continued to struggle in Season 5 with the introduction of new items that don't impact hit pet Inferno Cannon. We are increasing the amount of damage Inferno Cannon can dish out, allowing it to perform more in line with Season 4 builds. Additionally, Backfire Cannon is getting a slight base damage increase. This low cooldown skill will now be better in early fights until Vulcan can get Magical Power online.
Increased Base damage from 80/120/160/200/240 to 90/130/170/210/250.
Increased amount of damage that Inferno Cannon deals to marked targets from 10% to 15%.
Inferno Cannon
Increased Magical Power Scaling from 35% to 40%.
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