Arachne excels at finding isolated prey and shredding them down quickly. While this allows her to perform very well at normal levels of play,
high ranked and competitive players are much harder to find alone and away from ally assistance. We want to give her something that will help her ability to team fight as well as her ability to dive the enemy backline.
Night Crawler will now create a large web on the area where Arachne lands, slowing enemies on the field and granting her the same benefits as the Web trail from her Web ability.
Enemies will be forced to disperse or fight in Arachne's domain.
Night Crawler
Arachne now creates a 25 unit radius area of Web that lasts for 5s wherever she lands. Enemies in this area are slowed by 25% and Arachne gains 40% Movement Speed and is immune to slows while on the web.
Overlaying Webs from Night Crawler and her third ability Web” do not stack in intensity.
Hel's Switch Stance is a powerful ability, providing a large amount of passive stats that she shares with her team.
Especially at level 5, we want to ensure placing a point into this ability is a powerful option, on par with furthering one of her core abilities.
Additionally this will help Hel in both her offensive and support oriented playstyles, without adding additional burst damage or healing that may be frustrating.
Switch Stances
Increased Dark Stance Power self buff from 20/30/40/50/60 to 30/40/50/60/70.
Increased Dark Stance Power aura from 10/15/20/25/30 to 15/20/25/30/35.
Increased Light Stance Protection self buff from 5/10/15/20/25 to 13/16/19/22/25.
Increased Light Stance Protection aura from 2.5/5/7.5/10/12.5 to 6.5/8/9.5/11/12.5.
Updated tooltips to correctly state what aura buffs are being applied.
Susano's Typhoon had a large cast time making it easy to disrupt and forcing Susano players to refire the ability. This created situations where the ability felt clunky and limited Susano's ability to respond to Crowd Control.
We are removing the cast time of Typhoon to help alleviate this issues and help his kit flow better between abilities.
Adjusted the pre-fire time on this ability so that the Typhoon starts deploying immediately upon fire. This will cause the Typhoon to reach its fully charged state sooner.
In Season 5 we have kept a close eye on Thor, giving him some love to help him better compete with the roster of Junglers.
While the changes to his 1 have helped, we want to ensure he fills his niche well. Thor brings ranged poke and CC to a fight, and can then tactically choose to engage or flee.
No other Assassins have a ranged stun and this advantage should be leveraged by teams as much as possible. By reducing the mana cost and cooldown of Tectonic Rift,
he will have more chances to use his unique strength on the battleground.
Tectonic Rift
Decreased Mana cost from 75 to 60 at all ranks.
Decreased Cooldown from 17s to 17/16.5/16/15.5/15s.
In this patch we wanted to look at Xing Tian, a powerful god that has issues with a few abilities that make him feel underwhelming.
Furious Roar brings powerful anti-basic utility, but with a scaling duration it was difficult to ever feel this strength in the laning phase. We have now made the damage duration a consistent 4 seconds and tuned
the damage and debuff to make sense for this increased duration at early ranks.
Whirlwind of Rage and Steel that brings a lot to a fight but can suffer from feeling underwhelming.
A Whirlwind of Rage and Steel should not stop damaging enemies just because they have cleansed themselves. Players still inside the radius of this ability while he is channeling will take damage. Additionally, Xing Tian will move faster while channeling, allowing him more opportunities to catch unsuspecting enemies and keep up with enemies stuck inside the Whirlwind.
Furious Roar
Increased duration from 1/2/3/4/4s to 4s at all ranks.
Decreased % Damage Done from Basic Attacks from 30/35/40/45/50% to 20/27.5/35/42.5/50%.
Decreased % Damage per tick from 3% per second to 1/1.5/2/2.5/3% per second.
Total damage difference is 3/6/9/12/12% to 4/6/8/10/12%.
Whirlwind of Rage and Steel
Now deals damage to enemies in the radius even if they have cleansed the grab.
Increased Movement Speed while channeling this ability by 25%.
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