Since Midseason Bakasura has been climbing in popularity and performance. We resolved a lot of clunkiness and gameplay flow issues and since then his Insatiable Hunger for enemies has been hard to stop.
His passive really allows him to control the pace of the jungle and teamfights, making him difficult to oppose. With a 6% reduction, opposing junglers and carries will have a stronger opportunity to catch Bakasura out of position.
Fixed an issue where Bakasura could eat deployables he shouldn't be able to eat.
Insatiable Hunger
Decreased Bonus Attack Speed and Movement Speed from 10% per stack to 8% per stack. (30% max to 24% max)
Bastet is the truest version of an ability based assassin, with powerful abilities that have longer animation times to justify their power.
She is however bound by cooldown, limiting how often she can impact and threaten enemies in a teamfight. We are reducing the cooldown of Razer Whip to not only help her Early game clear
(but not increase her already strong gank potential) but to also allow her to threaten players more often in the late game.
Spot Weakness has allowed Erlang Shen to really efficiently build hybrid items to shred his targets. This ability is getting a scaling reduction to bring it more into line when built with this hybrid offensive items.
In addition, Turtle Form is a powerful escape and engage tool with its powerful shield and knockup. Turtle Form will move a bit slower, lowering Erlang's overall mobility while trying to be defensive.
Spot Weakness
Decreased Physical Power Scaling from 15% to 10% per basic attack.
72 Transformations
Decreased Turtle Form Bonus Movement Speed from 100% to 75%.
Freya was the only god to be 100% pick/ban at the World Championships. Her strength mostly lies at higher skill levels, but it is clear that she is overtuned.
We feel like her new design has many advantages over the old one, but still requires some balancing. We are going to be toning down her ranged damage to help offset her other strengths most hunters don't have.
Aurora Blade
Reduce Ranged Bonus Damage from 20% to 15% Magical Power scaling.
Reduced Range Bonus Damage from 20/30/40/50/60 to 16/27/38/49/60.
Mercury and Golden Blade quickly became best friends, allowing Mercury to quickly clear any jungle camps with ease and dealing some heavy splash damage.
While we feel Golden Blade is relatively balance when used with normal Basic Attacks, the interaction with Made You Look has proven to be too strong.
With this interaction existing Mercury either needs to rely on Golden Blade or Golden Blade needs to be weak enough that it really is only usable with Mercury.
Rather than overnerf Golden Blade, Made You Look is getting a tweak in how it functions. While it can still Crit, it will no longer trigger Basic Attack items and will now proc Ability item effects.
In a previous patch we increased the cooldown of Made You Look to help keep his clear speed with Golden Blade in check, but with this change we can reduce the cooldown back to 8s.
Made You Look
This ability is no longer considered a Basic Attack for item effects.
Ex: Frostbound Hammer, Golden Blade
This ability still can critical strike.
This ability is now considered an Ability for the purposes of item effects.
Pele is an explosive assassin that has had a large impact on the game since her arrival. Her initiation, mobility, and damage feel well tuned but there is one part of her
kit that seems to really turn fights in unexpected ways: the sustain she gets from her passive.
While Sylvanus is himself small, Grover is quite a large creature and his steps should be large as well. We are increasing his base movement speed to help him keep up with other gods,
especially in the support role where roaming is a large portion of the game. This will help make up for him being one of the few guardians with no movement ability.
The Father of the Ice Giants has been struggling lately. Similar to Sylvanus, we want to ensure Ymir can rotate effectively against other supports with higher speed and movement abilities.
Additionally, Shards of Ice is gaining an increased slow. Ymir will bring more control to a fight and get a small amount of extra time to channel against fleeing foes.
Increased Base Movement Speed from 365 to 370.
Shards of Ice
Increased slow from 30% to 40%.
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