Amaterasu has become a top pick for the Support role in pro play. Her Aura ability that provides self sustain, movement speed, and power can create big swings in the duo lane. We are taking her power aura down a notch to focus on her utility and give opponents a chance to outclear her.
Divine Presence
Decrease Power Buff on Valor Aura from 15/20/25/30/35 to 10/15/20/25/30.
Freya continues to be the top ban in Ranked play and one of the most winning Mages in SPL. Her burst damage has gotten to a place where it can be countered and controlled, but her movement speed remained much higher than other mages due to decisions made long ago. Freya is now at a point where she can still be strong without that extra movement.
Golden Blade has taken Mercury from a strong pick to a top pick. He is one of the strongest gods in the game at all levels of play.
Even though Golden Blade is enabling his power, we want to be careful adjusting that item. Many off-meta struggling gods are using Golden Blade to reach new levels of success.
The item passive was recently brought back with a positive reception. We don't want to hurt all of those other applications just because one god overperforms with the item.
We will be looking at the interactions of Golden Blade and Made You Look in the future, but for now we will be increasing the cooldown of Mercury's primary damaging ability. His clear will still be strong but he will need to pace himself more carefully with this ability. Two seconds on a big damage ability can make a big difference, and should bring Mercury down a notch without limiting the good pool in other places.
Made You Look
Increased Cooldown from 8s to 10s.
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