Fixed an issue where Izanami's self buff ability Icon would not glow like other self buffs. This should glow when the ability doesn't go on cooldown until the duration finishes, which this ability does.
The focus for Ah Puch is to help his viability at competitive levels of play while keeping his overall strength in other modes in a reasonable place. One of the limiting factors for Ah Puch is his need to really dump his whole kit to kill early waves. Undead Surge will now always deploy 2 zombies, giving him more direct clear when combined with Corpse Explosion. It also gives him earlier access to two corpses to consume with his passive.
Undead Surge
Increased Zombies Thrown from 1/1/2/2/2 to 2 at all ranks.
Increased Cooldown from 10 to 12.
Empty the Crypts
Enemies hit by this have a 20% healing reduction applied. This effect stacks up to 3 times and lasts 5s.
The damaging spirits now pass through all walls, structures, and players.
Anubis' mana costs really restrict his ability to stay out and fight during the mid and late game. Combined with his strong lifesteal this should really make his limiting factor his ability to survive and less about his mana costs.
Fixed an issue where Jackal Tech skin first ability FX could get stuck in place in the world.
Fixed an issue where Jackal Tech VGS would stop working.
Plague of Locusts
Mana cost decreased from 60/70/80/90/100 to 60/65/70/75/80.
Grasping Hands
Mana cost decreased from 70/80/90/100/110 to 70/75/80/85/90.
Artemis is the first of the gods on their list having their Critical Strike passives reworked to remove random early crits. Still Target has been changed to no longer provide additional Critical Strike change, but to deal bonus basic attack damage to targets afflicted by Crowd Control. Not only can teammates provide this CC, her Transgressor's Fate, Vengeful Assault, and trusty Tusky allow her to provide this benefit for herself.
Still Target
Artemis' Basic Attacks deal 30% more damage to Enemy minions and 15% to enemy Gods if they are affected by Crowd Control. Does not include Knockbacks, Blinds, or Grabs. (Critical strikes on these targets deal 130/160%)
Bakasura is also undergoing a large amount of tweaks. While his abilities largely function the same, we have focused on increasing the synergy between his own kit. Additionally we are giving him additional tools to let him contribute to his team and fight more effectively when away from minions.
Take Down
This ability no longer decreases Physical protection of enemies hit by it.
This ability now causes enemies hit by it to take 10% increased Damage from all sources.
Eat Minion
Decreased Post-fire animation time from .7s to .2s.
This ability now places an additional targeter over targets that can be instantly devoured.
Increase Projectile Speed from 80 to 120.
Bakasura may now choose to eat his own minion pets from this ability. Gross.
A few nerfs were not enough to stop Baron Samedi's party. While the changes in 5.12 now have him functioning as intended and brought his overall performance down, he is still outperforming most other characters especially in damage. In this patch we are focused on reducing his overall damage to really let his utility be the star of his kit.
The skull that appears to show a player is affected by Hysteria has now been offset to help players see while affected.
Vivid Gaze
Damage decreased from 80/130/180/230/280 to 60/105/150/195/240.
Scaling decreased from 70% to 60%.
Consign Spirits
Decreased Heal from +15% of a target's missing health to 12.5%.
Wrap It Up
Changed Slow to Root to a new CC term, Ramp to Root. The ramp up to the root is considered a root for all CC immunity purposes and if it is cleansed it will result in the full root not applying.
Decreased damage over time and Hysteria AoE duration from 4s to 2.5 to match the Ramp to Root FX.
This causes the overall damage this ability deals to go from 80/144/208/272/336 (+40% of your Magical Power) to 50/90/130/170/210 (+25% of your Magical Power).
Chang'e has really risen in power as players value her pressure, anti-healing, and teamfight ultimate, especially in the Pro League. While it's great to see her succeeding her overall performance is on the high end. We are increasing the cooldown on Crescent Moon Dance and bringing down the base damage of Waxing Moon. Players will have more opportunity to aggress without getting poked back while Waxing Moon will be a little less damaging when thrown out.
Crescent Moon Dance
Increased Cooldown from 5s to 6s.
Waxing Moon
Decreased Ult Damage from 160/235/310/385/460 to 160/225/290/355/420.
As mentioned in Baron Samedi's changes, Stop Time is seeing a slight rule change as well. Slow To” was a confusing Crowd Control effect. While it had slow in the name, it wasn't mitigated by slow immunity or cleanses, and players with Stun (or Root immunity in Baron's case) felt it was strange to not break the overall effect with those immunities.
Stop Time
Changed Slow to Stun to a new CC term, Ramp to Stun. The ramp up to the stun is considered a stun for all CC immunity purposes and if it is cleansed it will result in the full stun not applying.
Freya is getting a large rework on her passive and first two abilities. The goal for these changes is to even out her power so she isn't so binary. The way she can deal damage now is very 100% or 0% so we are giving her a new mechanic that separates her from the cast of ranged Magical carries, and keeps her overall identity for the current fans of Freya as a multi-role hybrid.
Freya's Pulse has been renamed Aurora Blades and now works as a toggle. When a point is put into it Freya's Melee attacks become empowered, dealing more damage. Freya can then toggle it on to gain Ranged Basic Attacks that pass through targets (stopping on gods) and inherit a smaller amount of the bonus damage. The catch is these ranged Basic Attacks take a large amount of Mana per shot, meaning this can only be sustained for so long before Freya needs to regenerate her Mana.
Luckily her new passive, Mystic Warrior, offers a quick way to do that. Freya's Melee attacks will restore 6% of her Missing Mana per attack, giving a quick way to restore Mana is Freya is willing to put herself at risk. In addition, Freya no longer has the bonus lifesteal but regenerates 2% of her Health each time she connects with a Ranged Basic Attack.
Finally, Irradiate has been replaced with Northern Lights. Freya empowers her next Basic Attack to deal bonus damage in an AoE and slow nearby targets. While it functions as a strong single stim for her Melee attacks, Ranged Attacks can trigger the damage and explosion on each target hit. Be careful when standing next to the Minion wave against Freya or it will be lights out!
Banish has remained unchanged. Whoop is a core ability to Freya's identity, allowing her to setup for her team and her own attacks. Valkyrie's Discretion also has the same functionality but has a small damage nerf to help her overall balance with these changes.
Mystic Warrior
Brisingamen's Blessing has been reworked to Mystic Warrior.
Freya's Melee Basic Attacks heal her for 6% of her Maximum Mana per successful hit. Freya's Ranged Basic Attacks and abilities heal for 2% of her Maximum Health per successful hit up to once per shot.
Northern Lights
Irradiate has been reworked to Northern Lights.
Freya empowers her weapon making the next Basic Attack that hits an enemy within the next 5 seconds deal bonus magical damage in an area around each enemy hit. Enemies hit by the explosion are slowed for 2s. Minions take half damage from the explosion. Gods take 25% damage from any explosion damage after the first.
Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 (+60% of your magical power)
Slow: 25%
Cooldown: 9s
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Aurora Blade
Pulse has been reworked to Aurora Blade.
Freya can switch between empowering her Melee attacks or shooting pass-through Ranged Basic Attacks that stop on gods. Both her Melee and Ranged Basic Attacks gain bonus Magical Damage. Ranged Basic Attacks do not deal bonus Magical Damage to minions. While toggled on, each Ranged Basic Attack drains Mana.
Melee Bonus Damage: 28/40/52/64/76 (+20% of your magical power)
Ranged Bonus Damage: 20/30/40/50/60 (+20% of your magical power)
Cooldown: .5s
Cost: 25/33/41/49/57 per shot
Valkyrie's Discretion
Decreased Damage per Blast from 100/135/170/205/240 to 80/115/150/185/220.
Decreased Magical Power Scaling per hit from 35% to 30%.
Hades has undergone a large amount of reworks, and through those one major thing has changed. Blight is no longer removed. Previously we hesitated on placing any debuff on Blight as it was removed by his abilities. This could lead to situations where you don't want to use his cool abilities and blight interaction in fear of removing it. With that changed we can now place a debuff on Blight. As a point blank AoE mage, reducing the targets ability to deal damage back is a big boon to his overall survivability and what he can bring to a tank.
Now has a debuff effect that lowers the targets Magical or Physical Power by 5%.
Hun Batz is trading in his Critical Strike passive for bonus basic attack damage after using an ability. Hun Batz players will have a familiar play style but with reliable damage. Additionally, Crit Hun Batz players can still benefit from building Critical Strike and the bonus damage is taken into account when he crits.
Outside of the passive change we are also giving him some quality of life buffs. Overhand Smash now has omni-movement (no movement penalty in any direction while he is firing) and Fear No Evil can be cast in walls, removing situations where he tries to cast the ult but is blocked due to his center area clipping some collision.
Infused Strikes
This buff no longer provides 30% crit chance.
This effect now causes Hun Batz' next successful basic attack to deal 20% more damage.
Overhand Smash
Hun Batz is no longer affected by directional movement penalties while this ability is firing.
Fear no Evil
Can now be deployed in walls, reducing the change of it failing to fire because it is clipping a wall.
hrough the last few patches we have been looking at Basic Attack assassins. In this patch we have a few things to help (Stone Cutting Sword cost reduction, Midgardian Mail nerf) but wanted to help Kali on her base kit. Marked for Death will now provide a 20% heal if she doesn't manage to get the kill. In situations where the heal really matters, a small bonus could be the difference between chaining multiple kills or heading back to the fountain.
Kukulkan has struggled to really make an impact in high level play. Slipstream is getting a major boost in speed in early ranks, helping him outposition his enemies. Spirit of the Nine Winds is also seeing a cooldown reduction. This powerful ability is well telegraphed and we feel bringing this to a fight more often is a solid strength Kukulkan can bring to a team.
Increased movement speed from 40/50/60/70/80% to 60/65/70/75/80%.
Ne Zha is the last of the three Crit passives to be reworked. Ne Zha now gained bonus movement speed and power with his stacks, giving him even more mobility around the map and working well with his stim and high scaling ultimate.
Righteous Spirit
Buff stacks no longer provide Critical Strike Chance.
Buff stacks now provide 0.5% Movement Speed and 1 Physical Power per Stack, stacking up to 20 times.
Rama's Astral Barrage ground target can occasionally get lost in the middle of a fight. We are updating the targeter to be more visible while giving relevant information at the same time.”
Astral barrage
Adjusted the FX for this targeter to help it remain visible to the player firing, while also conveying the amount of shots left.
Ravana is reinventing himself as an Assassin! For years his playstyle has been aggressive and more jungle focused so his overall base stats and abilities are being updated to better balance him around this identity. For Base Stats he is trading defense for offense. Ten Hand Shadow Fist is also getting a Physical Power scaling bump while Overhead Kick is getting a cooldown nerf. Finally, Chain of Blows is being redesigned, allowing him to more quickly stack a defensive shield that if he can keep active really lets him zoom around.
Ravana is now an Assassin.
Decreased base HP from 450 to 400.
Decreased HP per level from 82 to 75.
Increased base HP5 from 7 to 8.
Increased HP5 per level from .63 to .7.
Decreased base MP5 from 4.8 to 4.4.
Decreased MP5 per level from .4 to .35.
Decreased base Physical Protection from 16 to 13.
Increased Basic Attack Power from 35 to 39.
Increased Basic Attack Power per level from 2 to 2.2.
Increased Attack Speed per level from 1 to 1.7.
Chain of Blows
Chain of Blows can now stack on damaging structures.
Stacks are now gained per target hit.
Ex: Ten Hand Shadow First can get multiple stacks for hitting a minion wave.
Stacks now provide an 3% Movement Speed per stack. Stacks are lost when the shield is fully broken.
Overhead Kick
Decreased Cooldown from 20/18/16/14/12 to 18/17/16/15/14s.
Serqet is very potent, especially as she can spend her gold on more utility focused items and still contribute massive damage to a fight. We are bringing down the damage from Catalyst and Last Breath to encourage more damage oriented builds. At the same time her Deathbane is getting a few fixes to ensure targets in the hit area take the appropriate amount of damage and we have updated the targeter to accurately reflect the abilities hitbox.
Decreased damage from consuming 3 poisons from 25% Maximum Health to 20%.
Fixed an issue where targets inside the hit area for Deathbane would not take the full amount of hits they should.
This abilities targeter has been updated to better show the areas where this ability hits. The actual hit area has not changed.
Last Breath
Decreased base damage from 210/330/450/570/690 to 200/310/420/530/640.
Zhong Kui has come back in a big way. His ability to reliably stack and the protections he receives for keeping those stacks really allows him to be the up front damage dealer he is known for. While the changes have really helped him, he is now too safe for the amount of pressure he brings to a fight. We are reducing the amount of protections he receives from Demon Bag and toning down the stun duration on Book of Demons.
Demon Bag
Decreased Protections per stack from 1 to 0.8.
Book of Demons
Decreased Stun duration from .7/.8/.9/1/1.1s to .6/.7/.8/.9/1s.
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