Artemis has been showing off her late game carry potential this season, using Tusky and her ability to pressure her opponents to great effect. While susceptible to ganks, the Crowd Control immunity from Calydonian Boar really allows her to kite her opponents for support to arrive if she doesn't turn the fight on her own. We are lowering the CC Immunity duration to lower how long Artemis can play without worrying about Crowd Control from her opponents.
Athena is the most contested god in the entire SMITE Pro League. She has been picked or banned in almost every game, with a relatively balanced performance. Athena is a popular pick but not necessarily a dominant one, so we want to be careful with her adjustments. One key aspect of her kit that pros seem to use more often than the average player is her late-game ultimate. They will often dive with Athena, drawing out a lot of cooldowns and poke damage, then return to base, heal, and ult back into the fight. We want to slow down this specific strategy to help curb her power level only at the highest levels of play.
Defender of Olympus
Decreased Base Damage from 350/450/550/650/750 to 350/430/510/590/670.
Increased Cooldown from 110/105/100/95/90 to 110s at all ranks.
Baron Samedi arrived to the party in a grand fashion! We are specifically looking to bring down the amount of damage he is dealing through Vivid Gaze and when Life of the Party connects. Combined with a few other bug fixes that will also lower his damage output (such as not gaining 10% Magical Power while consuming his Brew) he will rely more on the control he brings to the fight than his currently high burst. We will continue to watch his performance after these nerfs to really get a feel for any future adjustments.
Fixed an issue where Baron Samedi gained an additional 10% of his Magical Power while consuming Baron's Brew.
Fixed an issue where Life of the Party couldn't be used while Crippled.
Decreased bonus damage targets take while at max hysteria from 25% to 20%.
Vivid Gaze
Fixed an issue where the second beam hit did 30% of the first beam's damage, rather than the listed 15%.
Decreased Damage from 90/140/190/240/290 to 80/130/180/230/280.
Reduced Magical Power scaling from 80% to 70%.
Wrap It Up
Fixed an issue where targets with root immunity were still being rooted.
Life of the Party
Decreased Base Damage on Hit from 140/210/280/350/420 to 100/170/240/310/380.
Camazotz is getting a bump to his mana pool and costs as well as his sustain from Essence Drinker. These changes will help Camazotz stay out and engage his opponents more frequently without needing to return to base as early.
Essence Drinker
Increased Lifesteal and Healing Bonus from 3% to 6%.
Decreased Mana cost from 60/65/70/75/80 to 50/55/60/65/70.
Fixed an issue where Chernobog could reveal enemies for longer than intended if he died while using his ultimate.
Chernobog's global slow has really enabled him to excel at high level play, allowing teams to engage or flee under his watch. We are making the slow slower to get going, allowing enemies more room to counterplay this effect. Vicious Barrage is also having it's attack speed reduced keeping his late game power a bit more in check.
Vicious Barrage
Decreased Attack Speed Buff from 30/40/50/60/70% to 20/30/40/50/60%.
Living Nightmare
Decreased Shadow Slow from 5% stacking 4 times to 4% stacking 5 times.
This grumpy dwarf is getting a few small buffs to help him play more smoothly. Fafnir's ultimate requires him to use all of his abilities to get the most out of the ability, which can cause big mana problems for him. We are decreasing the mana cost of two of his abilities to mitigate this. He also had slightly lower base HP5 than the rest of the guardian pool so that is being brought up to a more normal level.
Mercury both excelled at early game clear speed and late game carry potential, causing him to really run up the ranks. We are reducing the base damage for the early ranks of Made You Look to keep his clear speed more in line with his late game potential.
Made You Look
Decreased Base Damage from 90/120/150/180/210 to 70/105/140/175/210.
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