Achilles continues to be a highly prioritized god at all levels of play. His versatility is part of his identity, but this shirtless beauty was clearly over performing and leaving little room for player choice. We are decreasing both the Power and Movement Speed from his offensive stance to bring the two stances closer together in strength, especially during the early game.
Gift of the Gods
Physical Power Bonus Decreased from 10 + 2 per level to 3 + 2 per level.
Movement Speed Bonus Decreased from 3% + 0.2 level to 1% + 0.25 per level.
Chiron's training exercise has a very interesting component that very few players actually use. We want to draw more attention toward the unique feature of this ability by changing the timing and duration of the cleanse. These changes will make it much more visibly clear that Chiron is cleansing himself or allies, and it even allows him to cleanse himself if used with impeccable timing. Masterful shot is also seeing a buff to make sure its debuff component makes an impact on tanky characters.
Training Exercise
Increased duration of CC immunity from an instant cleanse to .3s of immunity.
Adjusted the time at which the cleanse triggers from before the setup or pre fire to after the setup or pre fire.
Masterful Shot
Increased Physical Protection Reduction from 3% to 5%.
Guan Yu received a substantial buff to his passive in 5.8 which caused him to quickly skyrocket in both performance and popularity. The Saint of War is definitely enjoying his new offensive capabilities, but his healing is causing problems. We will be keeping a close eye on healers in the coming patches as they have a high potential to shift the entire meta. Guan Yu's overperformance will be the first to be addressed as we decrease his healing to a more reasonable amount.
Decreased Boosted Healing from 2x healing to 1.5x healing.
The God of the Yellow RIver has risen to a new level in Season 5. Having a very high damage ability with very low cooldown has allowed him to push lanes faster than anyone else, and deliver unrivaled burst damage. He Bo tends to see a large drop in performance at the highest levels of play so a slight shift is being introduced. His base HP is being increased at the earliest stages in the game, while his HP per level and Water Cannon damage are being nerfed.
Increase Base HP from 365 to 400.
Decrease HP per level from 68 to 67.
Water Cannon
Decreased damage from 90/140/190/240/290 to 70/125/180/235/290.
Kuzenbo had some specific code in place to make sure his ultimate ability felt like a normal SMITE hit pulse area. Unfortunately the design specified time results in a .1s timing window where the hits didn't match up with the animation of the attack. We are decreasing the hit pulse time to ensure Kuzenbo players will get the full effect from their Ultimate if they keep players in it for the entire duration.
Watery Grave
Reduced the forgiveness timer time between individual hits from 0.7 to 0.6.
This was due to a bug where players would most likely not get hit 4 times in his ultimate even if they should have.
Medusa has been seriously underperforming compared to other hunters lately. She brings strong ability damage but usually lacks the true bite of a hunter. To bring her basic attack power up in the game game we are buffing Viper Shot to have even more shots! This should result in Medusa being quite the scary opponent to trade with.
All ability icon art has been updated.
Viper Shot
Increased Number of Shots from 3 at all ranks to 3/3/3/4/4.
When looking at Nike we see a goddess who performs well, but players often described as lacking impact and choice. We want to encourage Nike players to be more aggressive when initiating for their team and giving more choice as to where to use Plan of Action. Sentinel of Zeus will now slow the full amount all the time, allowing Nike to be more flexible with Plan of Action. This allows Nike to initiate immediately with a buffed Valiant Leap rather than needing to save it for the AoE control of Sentinel of Zeus.
Sentinel of Zeus
This ability will slow enemies by 40% whether Plan of Action is active or not.
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