Ao Kuang, Izanami and The Morrigan are all receiving a change to their stealth mechanics. While they both drop minion aggro, a stray arrow could instantly cancel the stealth effect and limit the use of these skills. These characters stealth will now only break from non-minion damage.
Water Illusion
Minion Damage can no longer break the Stealth from Water Illusion.
Awilix often runs low on mana early, leaving her being less aggressive than she otherwise could be. We are lowing the mana cost on one of her primary poke and engage tools to better enable her in the early game.
Moonlight Charge
Mana Cost reduced from 85 at all ranks -> 60/65/70/75/80.
Cabrakan has seen a large amount of competitive play since the start of Season 4. His strength comes from his ability to quickly clear the first minion wave before pressuring the enemy solo laner and their jungle.
We are reducing his Tremors damage to slightly increase his clear time on the first wave while also lowering his base protections. This will give enemy solo laners more time to also clear the wave and get more damage onto Cabrakan.
Reduced Base Physical Protection from 23 -> 20
Decreased Damage from 25/35/45/55/65 -> 22/32/42/52/62.
Camazotz is a high sustain assassin who needs to recover health to stay in a fight. On his release we were concerned that being able to drink in combat would give him too much potency. Since he limits his movement severely to heal up, we feel the tradeoffs of running to it and standing inside the pool during combat should allow him to heal at the full rate.:*Devour is also seeing a timing change that will help it feel more consistent in avoiding damage. Devour had a small warmup where he could still be damaged or crowd controlled before becoming untargetable. He now becomes untargetable instantly as this ability fires.
This will help Camazotz avoid damage when he uses Devour at the right time.
Essence Drinker
Camazotz now drinks Essence Pools at full speed at all times, whether or not he is in combat.
Removed brief delay on Devour's Leap. Camazotz will now begin leaping and is untargetable as soon as this ability is activated.
Cernunnos and his team have had a blast hunting down all his polymorphed opponents. The size of the ultimate allowed him to cover a wide area and allowed for little counterplay for his opponents. We are reducing the radius of The Wild Hunt to make it a bit less wild for his enemies.
Hun Batz received many indirect buffs in Season 4. From small meta shifts and item builds, along with his strong teamfight, he has quickly risen to the top of the Jungle. More specifically his early clear and boxing power has increased allowing him to bully and gank his enemies very effectively.
We are reducing the slow on Somersault at lower ranks and increasing the Cooldown on Fear No Evil to give players more opportunities when fighting the Howler Monkey early on.
Decreased Slow from 40% at all ranks -> 20/25/30/35/40%.
The Nene Kappa is a serious threat in the early stages of the game but seriously falls off as gods get more and more damage. Hunters will often be able to blow it away without significant trouble. Kuzenbo will now share 20% of his Health and Protections making these little Kappas requiring more effort to play around.
NeNe Kappa
NeNe Kappa now inherits 20% of Kuzenbo's current Health and Protections in addition to its base.
Sumo Slam
Sumo Slam should now properly be immune to roots during its duration.
Universe Ring Toss is Ne Zha's primary form of wave clear, jungle clear, and poke. As a characters who is currently struggling, an additional bounce will give him additional power at all stages of the game.
Universe Ring Toss
Increased number of bounces from 3/4/5/6/7 -> 4/5/6/7/8.
As a utility and lock down mage, Nox can bring a lot of control, disruption, and surprising burst to the table. However, her requirement of comboing her abilities can lead her to falling short when it comes to helping a team fight.
We are reducing the cooldown on Night Terror to give Nox the ability to contribute to fights more often with the damage debuff and burst that this ability provides.
Night Terror
Decreased Cooldown from 90s at all ranks -> 90/85/80/75/70s.
Stellar Burst has gone through a few changes during her lifetime. Early on, this ability functioned much more like a basic attack which called for it having the in-hand penalty that comes with it. Today, it works more like a regular ability.
Removing the in-hand penalty makes sense and is a nice Quality of Life update for this Manifestation.
Stellar Burst
Stellar Burst no longer has an in-hand penalty when firing.
Hydra's Lament allowed high skill Susano players to get a large damage increase through in-hand cancelling. This has caused a large disparity in performance when comparing pro players and the average player.
We are removing this specific item-skill synergy to nerf Susano at the highest levels of play while leaving his average performance intact (and keep multiple fire abilities consistent across the board).
Storm Kata
Hydra's Lament will now only proc on the first stage of this Ability.
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