Apollo rose to the top of everyone's list at the start of Season 4. As the meta has stabilized, Apollo fell from being the most dominant pick but he is still over-performing. His early clear with So Beautiful and superior boxing ability from Serenade's protections are both seeing a slight downward adjustment to rein him back in.
So Beautiful
Decreased Base Damage from 80/135/190/245/300 -> 70/125/180/235/290.
Reduced Physical Protections from 10/20/30/40/50 -> 10/15/20/25/30.
In the last patch, we made a few adjustments to Kuzenbo's overall feel and are now looking at other ways to give him strength, especially in the late game. NeNe Kappa is Kuzenbo's primary damaging ability, allowing him to impact the fight when his Ultimate and Sumo Push are down. In this patch, Shell Spikes will reduce the Cooldown of NeNe Kappa much more, giving a properly positioned Kuzenbo access to increased damage and disruption.
NeNe Kappa
Increased NeNe Kappa's Attack Damage from 25/35/45/55/65 -> 35/45/55/65/75.
Shell Spikes
Increased Cooldown Reduction on NeNe Kappa per Hit from .2/.3/.4/.5/.6s -> .5/.7/.9/1.1/1.3s.
Fixed an issue where this Ability could not be used while in a Knockup.
Odin's Ring of Spears, Serqet's Last Breath, and Osiris' Lord of the Afterlife are ultimate level abilities that were intended to prevent all healing, but functioned in different ways and had conflicting descriptions. All three abilities stated they reduced ALL healing in their description text but both also said they reduced healing by 100%, which are different effects.[?]
To add to the confusion, Ring of Spears was properly preventing all healing but Serqet's Last Breath and Osiris' Lord of the Afterlife were only reducing it by 100%. We have updated these abilities to now reduce ALL healing and their descriptions have been updated to reflect this.
Ring of Spears
Updated the description to make it clear this Ability prevents all Healing.
Sylvanus has rooted himself in this meta, providing strong early game pressure in the duo lane. Part of this strength comes from Verdant Growth allowing Sylvanus to clear and engage his enemies often. We are increasing the Cooldown at Rank 1 of this Ability, lowering Sylvanus' power during the first few levels.
Late Game Hunters are notoriously sensitive to balance adjustments. When looking at Xbalanque, who was under-performing, we wanted to make sure we didn't push him over the edge and instead gave him a few tools to better enable him to reach late game.
Branching Bolas is getting an early Mana Cost decrease to give him cheaper wave clear, while Rising Jaguar is getting an increase to make his damage combo more threatening.
Branching Bolas
Reduced Mana Cost from 6/8/10/12/14 -> 3/6/9/12/15 Mana per Shot.
Rising Jaguar
Increased Physical Power scaling from 20% -> 30%.
Increased Bonus Damage on Poisoned targets from 20% -> 30%.
Zeus has seen quite the resurgence on the Battleground of the gods. His ability to clear early with Aegis Assault and use it to threaten further damage helps him to bully his opponents in lane for an early lead. Aegis Assault will now deal less damage when it is deployed to tone down this early game pressure.
Aegis Assault
Decreased initial Hit Damage from 80/125/170/215/260 -> 60/105/150/195/240.
The Demon Queller is gaining more control over his damage and utility this patch. First, the Demons from Exorcism and Recall Demons now move quicker. This will help Zhong Kui feel more responsive and lower the window that enemies can react to chasing ghosts before they get hit.
Expose Evil will also now deal 75% of its remaining damage when consumed by either Exorcism or Book of Demons. These abilities have strong additional effect, but often losing the long duration slow and damage from Expose Evil left Zhong Kui in a worse spot.
By getting some of the damage back, Zhong Kui players will be able to make smarter decisions about when to or when not to remove the card.
Expose Evil
Increased the remaining damage dealt from 40% -> 75% when Expose Evil is removed by Exorcism or Book of Demons.
Reduced the time it takes for Demons created by Exorcism to reach Zhong Kui and heal him.
Book of Demons
Updated Tooltip to make it clear that when Book of Demons removes Expose Evil it deals 75% of Expose Evil's remaining damage.
Recall Demons
Increased the Travel Speed of the Demons released by Recall Demons.
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