Bastet had a large amount of value tied to her ability to remove backdoor protections. With the change coming in 4.3 to backdoor protections, we wanted to provide Bastet with more power elsewhere. Open Wounds will now help her abilities hit harder allowing her to be a more effective Assassin.
Izanami is a God who previously struggled in Season 3 and then found herself in a strong position in Season 4. One of the last changes we made to her involved increasing her Basic Attack Damage and per level scaling to better help her in the early and late game respectively. We are reverting only the Base Attack Damage change which affects her early game to allow other hunters to have a better chance at fighting back against her level 1 wave clear.
Kuzenbo has made quite a splash on the battleground of the gods. We have gotten a ton of positive feedback on Kuzenbo's style and personality and are excited that players are enjoying him. In this patch we wanted to address some balance concerns that arose.
Kuzenbo is a very aggressive Guardian who wants to be in the front line mixing things up, but he was lacking some Damage and utility to make him as desirable as other Guardians.
Watery Grave received a number of changes to address this. It now lasts for a shorter duration but hits harder up front and Kuzenbo can now move faster during it, allowing him to provide more burst to a fight and chase hit targets.
Sumo Slam is also seeing a Damage increase for when a target is pushed into a wall or through Minions, and Shell Spikes can now be activated while under the effects of Crowd Control.
Changes to Sumo Slam and Watery Grave should make Kuzenbo more impactful in a fight and changes to Shell Spikes will force enemy players to be more reactive.
Fixed progression on the stats page showing as “undefined”.
Water Bowl
Fixed a description error to properly convey the Damage Mitigation this Passive provides.
Shell Spikes
Can now be activated while Kuzenbo is under the effects of Crowd Control.
Sumo Slam
Increased Damage from 65/95/125/155/185 -> 80/110/140/170/200.
Watery Grave
Reduced Duration from 2.8s -> 2.1s (one less maximum Knock-up).
Increased first hit Damage from 60/100/140/180/220 -> 80/130/180/230/280.
Increased per tick Damage from 30/50/70/90/110 -> 40/65/90/110/140.
Increased Movement Speed Buff from 35% -> 45%.
Fixed an issue where Kuzenbo could be Knocked-up during the warm-up for this Ability.
Nu Wa was another god who benefited from her ability to remove backdoor protections and is receiving a buff to compensate. She will gain additional burst and poke damage through targeted adjustments to Shining Metal.
Shining Metal
Increased Magical Power Scaling from 50% -> 65%.
Decreased Minion Explode Magical Power Scaling from 30% -> 25%.
Osiris lately hasn't been fitting his title of “Broken God of the Afterlife”. While he has a strong laning phase and can box well early, his build options in the mid and late game are limited due to his low Physical Power Scaling. Sickle Strike and Spirit Flail are seeing Damage increases around their scaling to give Osiris a few more build options and power in the mid and late game.
Sickle Strike
Increased Damage from 60/100/140/180/220 -> 60/105/150/195/240.
Increased Physical Power Scaling from 30% -> 40%.
Spirit Flail
Changed Damage from 80/130/180/230/280 -> 75/125/180/235/290.
Ratatoskr has become a go-to Jungler for players in Season 4. His ability to buy his Acorn out of the base combined with the new decisions available to Junglers caused him to perform even better than in Season 3. We are making a few adjustments to his Abilities without hitting his Damage that should give players more opportunities to play against him.
Acorn of Yggdrasil is now more expensive at the second tier which will have an impact on early game Item build decisions.
Dart will now only be reduced by 1 second each time a god is hit with Flurry or Acorn Blast which will give enemy players more opportunities to catch this trickster, and Through the Cosmos now has a smaller landing radius requiring Ratatoskr players to be more accurate with where they want to land.
Acorn of Yggdrasil
Increased the cost of Acorn of Swiftness from 500 -> 700.
Acorn of Yggdrasil remains at 1600.
Decreased Cooldown Reduction from Flurry and Acorn Blast from 2s -> 1s per god hit.
We kept a close eye on Sol and after watching her under-perform in Season 4, we began looking at ways to improve her utility and her Damage outside of her Stellar Burst. This led us to look at Radiance. Radiance helps Sol in quite a few ways. It is her main source of quick heat generation and also provides her with some sustain. We are increasing her sustain at all ranks and reducing the Cooldown, giving her access to this utility more often and earlier. Supernova is also seeing a Damage increase to reward Sol players more when they land multiple hits.
Fixed an issue where this wasn't proccing “On Heal” effects.
Decreased Cooldown from 15s -> 13s.
Changed the Healing from 5/10/15/20/25% of Missing Health -> 25% of Missing Health at all ranks.
Increased Damage of successive hits from 20% -> 30%.
Terra has been under-performing after the direct nerfs, Item changes, and meta shifts from Season 4. Rather than bringing back some of the power of her healing, Terra will receive more of a punch in her Damage potential. Monolith will now deal a flat amount of Damage when Terra breaks it, giving her some extra Damage when engaging an enemy team.
Monolith now deals 70/100/130/170/200 (+50 of your Magical Power) immediately when broken by Force of Nature.
Reduced the Damage Per Tick from 15/20/25/30/35 -> 10/12/14/16/18.
Overall, Monolith now deals 20 more Base Damage at all Ranks.
Fixed an issue where Monolith could be damaged by Minions or Jungle Monsters.
Thoth initially struggled at all levels of play but with the introduction of the Stun on Evade and Punish we saw Thoth see some success for players who really mastered this challenging god. To many players though, this Ability had the potential to be too punishing. The ability to Stun more than one target is generally reserved for Abilities with conditional trigger conditions or Ultimate Abilities. Evade and Punish's projectile will now stop at the first enemy god hit, removing the ability for him to stun multiple gods.
Evade and Punish
Evade and Punish now stops on the first Enemy God hit.
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