Bastet's cats can range from being incredibly potent to having no impact. Our main goal is to reduce this variance, especially in the late game. Bastet will now receive a stacking Physical Power buff when her cats are defeated by enemies, giving a nice bonus to her high-scaling abilities.
Cat Call
Bastet will now gain a stacking Physical Power buff each time a cat is killed by an enemy or structure. This will not trigger when the cats naturally despawn. Stacks up to 3 times and lasts 9s.
Ever since her rework in 4.1 Hel has been a high performing goddess at all levels of play. In recent patches players have been discovering this strength and utilizing her effectively, pushing her into first pick/first ban in many situations. We are making targeted adjustments to some of her utility but want to keep what has made her successful (such as her safer wave clear). Decay will now better fit the visual explosion FX (and limit Hel's ability to splash damage into an enemy team) while Inspire will give a reduced amount of Movement Speed to allies.
Decreased explode radius from 15 to 12 units.
Updated targeting to better display this radius.
Decreased movement speed for allies from 25% to 10%.
In this patch we are adjusting three Warriors: Odin, Ravana, and Sun Wukong. These gods have been overperforming and have limited the diversity of picks within the Solo and Jungle roles. Odin and Ravana were specifically looked at for their strong performance in the Jungle role. All three of these warriors are getting reduced Movement Speed which will impact their ability to play Jungle and will slow down their rotations. They are also receiving specific targeted adjustments to their overall power. Path to Valhalla allows Odin to gain a large burst of speed and power, even if he is not involved in a fight at that moment. This combined with his high burst potential from an undamaged bird bomb allows him to quickly turn fights. We are reducing the Movement Speed given from Path to Valhalla to limit his ability to rotate to and escape from fights and we are bringing down the absolute top-end damage of Raven Shout to limit how much he can swing a fight in his favor.
Decreased Base Movement Speed from 375 to 370.
Path to Valhalla
Decreased Movement Speed per stack from 8% to 4%.
Raven Shout
Decreased Full Shield Bonus Damage from 25% to 15%.
In addition the movement speed adjustment that Odin and Sun Wukong are also receiving, Ravana is taking some direct nerfs to his ultimate. Mystic Rush was allowing Ravana to dive enemies heavily in the early game and made early attempts to trade with him very difficult. We are reducing the Damage Mitigation buff in the early game to better allow for players to handle Ravana dives, and we are increasing the cooldown to give more room to trade with Ravana while the ability is on cooldown.
Decreased Base Movement Speed from 375 to 370
Mystic Rush
Decreased Damage Mitigation buff from 40% to 20/25/30/35/40%.
Increased cooldown from 90/85/80/75/70 to 110/105/100/95/90.
Sun Wukong's strength comes from his ability to harass and trade often with little fear of retaliation, especially with a tanky cooldown reduction item like Breastplate of Valor. Magic Cudgel and Master's Will are both seeing Cooldown increases which will limit Sun Wukong's ability to constantly pressure his opponents. Sun Wukong will now need to be more careful of when to use these abilities during a fight.
Zeus has struggled to compete with other Mages that fill a similar role. We are increasing his base movement speed to help him position himself in teamfights, and rotate to skirmishes that develop.
Increased Base Movement Speed from 355 to 360.
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