Artio excels at getting into a fight and staying there, applying constant pressure to her opponents. Her overall damage, self sustain, and utility were offering little counterplay for her opponents.
We are toning down her damage from Maul Prey and the sustain and utility from Life Tap, giving enemy players more room to survive Artio's onslaught and answer back.
Maul Prey
Decreased Magical Power scaling from 35% -> 30% per swipe.
Decreased Base Damage from 50/80/110/140/170 -> 40/70/100/130/160.
Life Tap
Decreased slow per stack from 20% -> 10%.
Decreased self healing from 15/20/25/30/35 -> 10/15/20/25/30 per hit.
Chronos has undergone many changes since Season 4 began. Through these changes he has found a solid play style and put up very strong performances.
Now that he is more stable we can look at some of the previous balance adjustments as well as his current kit to bring down his performance to a more reasonable level. Time Rift was too effective once Chronos got some Magical Power online, so we are reducing the scaling.
Accelerate's Section IV made Chronos incredibly potent during extended fights and while destroying structures (which were recently made more difficult for everyone to kill).
We are reverting the previous buff to this Section IV to keep Chronos in line with other strong Basic Attack gods.
Time Rift
Decreased Magical Power scaling from 85% -> 80%.
Decreased Section IV Basic Attack Damage buff from 45% -> 35%.
In patches of old we updated all anti-heals to either be 50% reduction or true 100% reduction. Barbed Spear was inconsistent with this standard and is seeing an increase to match abilities like Sobek's Sickening Strike or Bacchus' Belch of the Gods.
Adjusted this abilities timing to allow the target to immediately receive Scarab's Blessing. Players should no longer be interrupted while casting this Ability.
Skadi has proven to be one of the strongest hunters in the game. This can be attributed to her ability to deal large amounts of damage while also having the safety of Permafrost's CC and Movement Speed Buff. Skadi players will now need to invest more heavily into Permafrost to gain the same safety and her late game poke from laying down this icy field will be reduced.
Decreased Physical Power Scaling from 60% -> 50%.
Decreased Bonus Movement speed from 40% -> 20/25/30/35/40%.
Susano previously had lower base movement speed than all other assassins to balance out his strong movement abilities. His ability to slip in and out of fights has been reduced with the rework to his passive, greatly reducing the frustration experienced when playing against him. However, with the loss of this effect has caused his performance to be consistently underwhelming. His Movement Speed is being brought up to be more in-line with other Assassins, and we are giving him some extra utility with a Cooldown Reduction to Wind Siphon.
Increased Movement Speed from 365 -> 370.
Wind Siphon
Decreased Cooldown from 18s -> 16s.
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