Chaac's receiving a mixture of Quality of Life adjustments, fixes, and changes to how his abilities work, all aimed at making him more consistent and freeing up his utility when it comes to using his Ultimate. Torrent will no longer occasionally miss targets it should have connected with and has had its interaction with cripple changed.
Storm Call is also seeing its interaction with Thunder Strike removed in favor of getting a power boost. The interaction with Thunder Strike was often difficult to set up and removed Chaac's strong ability to initiate with Torrent of zone with Rain Dance.
Chaac can now use this ability while crippled, but only if no axe is deployed.
Adjusted the tech of this ability to allow it to always hit enemies who are in the range of the spin.
Storm Call
Removed the conditional bonus damage and knockup when picking up the axe on activation. Storm Call no longer interacts with a deployed axe.
Storm Call will now always Knockup enemies.
Base Damage Increased from 200/250/300/350/400 -> 250/300/350/400/450.
Physical Power Scaling Increased from 100% -> 120%.
Crush is receiving an increase in power while also becoming more expensive to cast. Our goal with this is to make sure Scylla still maintains her late game mage status, but not at the cost of her early game being too weak to get there. Scylla will be more potent overall to help balance her early game and late game differences.
She will still need to play carefully though as she is more prone to running out of mana if she isn't using this ability in smart situations. Sentinel is also see a similar adjustment to Chaac's Torrent, allowing players to cast it but not teleport with it while crippled.
Increased Mana cost from 60/65/70/75/80 -> 70/75/80/85/90.
Increased Damage from 90/145/200/255/310 -> 100/155/210/265/320.
Increased Magical Power Scaling from 80% -> 90%.
Scylla can now deploy Sentinel while crippled, but she still cannot use the leap portion of Sentinel while crippled.
We have been watching Susano closely since his last round of balance changes as well as the feedback surrounding him. While we feel like he has fallen into a balanced state (in both competitive and casual play) we understand his mobility, damage output, and control have been a frustration to play against. Our goal, as with any god, is to make sure gods are both fun and balanced to play as but also play against.
Susano is seeing a good amount of his damage moved around to different points of his kit while also allowing for more counterplay. Storm Kata has a slight wind up on the first slash; the damage from this ability is now spread out over all three parts of the ability.
Players should now be able to respond better to Storm Kata and receive less damage if Susano chooses to flee a fight instead of fully committing. Additionally, Typhoon will now only knock up enemies when fully charged, removing Susano's ability to chain Crowd Control effects together without much setup time.
Storm Kata
Increased pre-cast time for the first slash from .1s -> .4s.
Damage from the First and Second Attack reduced from 55/90/125/160/195 -> 40/70/100/130/160.
The Third Attack of Storm Kata now deals 20/35/50/65/80 (+33% of your Physical Power).
Scaling reduced from 80% -> 65%.
Now only applies a knockup effect when fully charged.
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