Updated his attack chain to correctly reflect the listed time.
Chain of Blows
Increased damage multiplier from 7.5% per stack to 10% per stack (Max. from 60 to 80).
Overhead Kick
Ravana using this skill wisely is a large part of his kit, but in many cases we were seeing this skill interrupted early. We want to increase the reward for using this skill at a proper time.
Ravana is now Crowd Control immune during this ability.
10-Hand Shadow Fist
The % heal didn't give Ravana full control over his sustain. This change to flat should increase his sustain overall while also making the heal amount consistent. The cooldown adjustment will also mean this happens more often and gives a slight boost to his Crowd Control in the process.
Cooldown reduced from 18s to 15s.
Healing changed from % damage dealt to flat 10/15/25/40/60 per hit.
Mystic Rush
Mystic Rush is meant to be a tool for engaging onto who you want to fight, and by upping the Damage Reduction and doubling the stacks of Chain of Blows, Ravana should be able to better engage a team, and deal more upfront damage.
The Shield now scales in Damage Reduction, from a flat 40% to 40/45/50/55/60%.
Now doubles your current passive stacks upon firing.
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