Khepri as a Support exceeds at turning the tides of battle, but often these turns can become overwhelming. Scarab's Blessing will now revive targets with less Health making it more imperative that teams play well to protect their revived ally, or risk losing them a second time. Additionally, Rising Dawn is seeing a Cooldown increase. With a longer Cooldown there is now more room for enemy teams to find openings in Khepri's protection.
Rising Dawn
Increased Cooldown from 10s -> 12s.
Fixed an issue with projectile accuracy from the sides.
Scarab's Blessing
Reduced revived health from 40/45/50/55/60 -> 25/30/35/40/45.
Sol's seeing a number of adjustments in her first post-release patch. Her Passive and overall damage is being reduced while her Ultimate is seeing some improvements. Sol has been one of our most popular launches this year and these changes are intended to put her in a more balanced state, while maintaining her role as a dominant lane pusher. Additionally, Sol will no longer cleanse Roots when activating Disapparate, which brings back into play additional counter options.
Unstable Manifestation
Reduced bonus basic attack damage at full Heat from 35% -> 25%.
Reduced Magical Power bonus from 1% for every 3% Heat -> 1% for every 4% Heat.
Reduced Attack Speed bonus from 1% for every 3% Heat -> 1.2% for every 4% Heat.
Fixed overheating voice line not playing on Supernova skin.
Reduced Damage from 30/60/90/120/150 -> 30/50/70/90/110 per tick.
Fixed an issue where this ability would damage towers and structures.
Stellar Burst
Fixed an issue where item passives would double hit the initial target.
Fixed ability sometimes firing in the sky.
Fixed buff icon not flashing when ability in use.
This ability no longer cleanses Roots.
Fixed an issue where this ability would damage towers and structures.
Increased explosion radius from 10 -> 12.
Reduced time between blasts from 0.28s -> 0.24s.
Suggestions, feedback, bugs on the site? You can find me on the forums or on reddit.
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