Fixed the strafe movement penalty not applying to Suku while jumping.
Feather Step
Fixed where this ability would become available after using certain active items.
Fixed the area of effect ground targeter incorrectly showing after using an ability.
Moonlight Charge
Increased Suku run speed by 50%.
Fixed an issue where Suku was not filling up the entire targeting area, causing him to miss targets he should have hit.
Suku will now knock up enemies hit from the side, as well as from the back.
Fixed an issue where this ability wasn't properly caching the players aim direction, creating a delay in where Suku charged versus where the player was aiming.
Gravity Surge
Fixed not being able to pull Chaac while dashing with Torrent.
Fixed the ability not going on cooldown if immediately interrupted.
This (tough and pro bono) work is a derivative of some content from available under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license.