Released Feb 06, 2014
  • SCALES OF FATE (Passive)

  • Nemesis holds the scales of balance. Hitting enemies with basic attacks tips the scales in her favor, reducing her target's physical and magical power and increasing hers (stacking). Power Gain: 5% per hit. Power Loss: 5% per hit. Max Stacks: 3.

  • Nemesis dashes in a line, dealing damage to enemies in her path and may dash again within 2s. Damage: 50/80/110/140/170 (+50% of your physical power). Cost: 50/60/70/80/90. Cooldown: 14s.

  • Nemesis swings her blade, dealing damage in an area in front of her. Enemies in the center of her swing are struck for 2x damage and slowed for 2s. Damage: 40/65/90/115/140 (+50% of your physical power). Slow: 50%. Cost: 60/65/70/75/80. Cooldown: 7s.

  • Nemesis activates a temporary shield around herself that protects her from all incoming damage for a duration. Nemesis heals for a percentage of damage that was mitigated and a percentage of any damage received from gods and minions while the shield is active is reflected back to the source (pre-mitigation). Hard crowd control will terminate the shield. Damage Reflect: 30/35/40/45/50% of damage received. Healing: 30/35/40/45/50% of damage received. Duration: 1s. Cost: 60/65/70/75/80. Cooldown: 12s.

  • Nemesis chooses a single enemy god, reducing their health and movement speed and stealing a portion of their protections for a time period. Her movement speed is also increased during this time. Damage: 30/35/40/45/50% of current HP. Protections: 30/35/40/45/50%. Move Speed: 30/35/40/45/50%. Target Default Duration: 5s. Nemesis Buff Duration: 10s: Cost: 90/95/100/105/110. Cooldown: 90s.


  • Nemesis has sliced and diced her way to the top, becoming a strong pick in high level ranked and competitive play. We often see her excel and sink off small adjustments, with Slice and Dice having a history of a 10 damage change moving her performance around significantly. Rather than fully revert, a 5 damage adjustment may be just the right spot for this Assassin.

Slice and Dice Slice and Dice

  • Decreased damage from 50/80/110/140/170 to 45/75/105/135/165.


  • We hear you loud and clear on Nemesis, yet we still think that its best to play it safe with this goddess. Nemesis has received a few buffs that weren't very impactful, so we are keeping the streak going. This time we are buffing her core damaging ability, and this buff is increased when you consider she deals double damage at a specific spot. We hope lets her compete with the rest of the Jungle roster without leading to frustration.

Slice and Dice Slice and Dice

  • Increase damage from 40/70/100/130/160 to 50/80/110/140/170.


  • Nemesis has certainly had the scales stacked against her lately. Even after recent buffs we failed to see much movement in her metrics, and player feedback was clearly unsatisfied with the changes. We are adding quite a bit of potency to her passive, making each single stack significantly more impactful.

Scales of Fate Scales of Fate

  • Increased Power Gained and Power Lost from 5% to 7%.
  • Decreased Max Stacks from 4 to 3.
  • Used to gain 20% in 4 hits, now gains 21% in 3 hits.


  • Nemesis fans in Season 7 were not happy with a small power scaling increase on Swift Vengeance. Given Nemesis' history where single balance adjustments could really tip the scales with her and a whole new Season approaching, we were perhaps too reserved. As things have now settled we are reducing the cooldown on Slice and Dice, improving her clear speed and giving her more opportunities to get damage out.

Slice and Dice Slice and Dice

  • Decreased Cooldown from 13s to 11s.


  • Nemesis has received a few small buffs lately that have failed to produce results for her. Slice and Dice and Divine Judgement have high potential for frustration due to their hit area. We feel the past nerfs to those abilities were merited and we do not plan to revert at this time. Instead we will be looking at another one of her damaging abilities: her dash, Swift Vengeance. This ability can be used to output a decent amount of damage at the cost of using your movement ability. This adds some reasonable damage to Nemesis' kit in a way that should also encourage strong counterplay.

Swift Vengeance Swift Vengeance

  • Increased Physical Power Scaling from 30% to 35%.


  • For a while we have addressed a few abilities that have multiple levels of scaling. Retribution scaled on damage reflect, healing, and the total health shield (which already served as a cap to how effect any of the previous components could be). By making damage reflect and healing more consistent, this ability should feel better across the board.

Retribution Retribution

  • Increased Damage Reflect from 30/35/40/45/50% of damage received to 50% at all ranks.
  • Increased Healing from 80/85/90/95/100% of damage received to 100% at all ranks.


  • Nemesis was a dominant jungler in early Season 5, but her abilities had little counter play at that power level. Some heavy adjustments were made to her damage output to remedy this, but now she feels a bit lacking. We are increasing the amount of healing her shield can do, to reward players for using this ability at the right time and to move Nemesis in a different direction. The design team thinks she will be much healthier as a goddess that fights for longer durations, poking over time, as opposed to her all-in style from earlier this year.

Retribution Retribution

  • Increased Shield Healing from 60/70/80/90/100% of damage received to 80/85/90/95/100%.


  • Back in Season 4 Nemesis was adjusted to improve her weak early game and fix her inability to contribute to a fight outside of her ultimate. These changes were successful for her at the time, but with Season 5 the Meta has shifted and Nemesis benefits greatly from it. Fast jungle clear and higher bases damage are even more important than before. We have adjusted her a few times in Season 5, as well as some items she uses, but she still has a strong early presence that translates into a strong late game. We are bringing down the base damage of her primary clear tool, Slice and Dice. This should make her more comparative to other junglers in terms of clear speed while also lowering her mid to late game burst potential.

Slice and Dice Slice and Dice

  • Decreased Damage from 50/80/110/140/170 to 40/70/100/130/160.


  • We last adjusted Nemesis in 5.4 with additional assassin specific nerfs (Blink and Heartseeker) and wanted to watch her performance before making any other adjustments. A few patches later she is still proving too difficult to fight against when she engages the backline with her ultimate. We are reducing the sudden damage Divine Judgement provides at later ranks, giving enemies more time to react and fight back against the Goddess of Vengeance.

Divine Judgement Divine Judgement

  • Decreased Damage from 20/25/30/35/40 to 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% of targets current health.


  • Many Assassins are building Blink and Heartseeker and few work as well with those items as Nemesis. Both that relic and that item are getting nerfs this patch but we still anticipate Nemesis would be a top performer, so we are adjusting slightly more to the God directly. Divine Judgement can swing fights very quickly and cannot miss its target, so its cooldown is being increased. We are also reducing the amount of time she is buffed from using this ability.

Divine Judgement Divine Judgement

  • Decreased Nemesis Self Buff Duration from 8s to 5s.
  • Increased cooldown from 90/85/80/75/70 to 90s at all ranks.


  • As stated in the 4.11 notes, we are making adjustments to Nemesis to make her feel less frustrating to fight while opening her playstyle up to more than just using her ultimate.
  • Divine Judgement's protection shred has been reduced to allow defenses to still have some impact while Slice and Dice no longer Slows for 50% at max rank.
  • Players will feel less helpless when afflicted by both effects and should allow for teammates to better assist their debuffed ally.
  • To make up for this, Swift Vengeace and Slice and Dice are seeing Damage increases.
  • This should help Nemesis feel more impactful with stronger pressure against squishy targets with increased Jungle clear. She will still be valued for her unique Ultimate’s ability to shred, but will not be as meta reliant as she once was.

Swift Vengeance Swift Vengeance

  • Increase Scaling from 50% -> 60% (25 per hit -> 30% per hit).

Slice and Dice Slice and Dice

  • Increase Base Damage from 80/130/180/230/280 -> 100/160/220/280/340.
  • Increase Scaling from 50 -> 60%.
  • Reduce Slow from 30/35/40/45/50 -> 30% flat.

Divine Judgement Divine Judgement

  • Decreased Protection Shred from 50% -> 30%.


  • Nemesis has been a popular pick during this Season in the competitive scene, fulfilling the role of a tank shredder to great effect. However, many who experience Nemesis see her largely as an ultimate bot that doesn't feel counterable. We have plans to look at her a bit more in-depth during the Mid-Season Patch (4.13) but wanted to make a minor adjustment before Dreamhack.
  • Scales Of Fate is seeing a reduction in the power gained and stolen, lowering the maximum swing in power that can occur when fighting Nemesis.
  • This allows her to continue her role as a tank shredder, but reduces her strength as a duelist.

Scales of Fate Scales of Fate

  • Reduced Power Gained and Power Lost from 6% -> 5%.


  • Fixed an issue where Nemesis couldn't use her second dash if her Mana was below a certain amount.

Swift Vengeance Swift Vengeance

  • Updated description.


  • Nemesis' Swift Vengeance is seeing a large change in how it is used. Before, if you canceled Swift Vengeance before using the second dash, the ability would go on Cooldown and you would lose the second dash.
  • Now when cancelled, Nemesis will have up to 2 seconds to use the Ability again even if other Abilities or Basic Attacks are used. This should allow skilled Nemesis players to get additional damage and control during the 2 second window and will make Nemesis a less predictable.

Swift Vengeance Swift Vengeance

  • Nemesis can now use Abilities and Basic Attacks in between her first and second dash. Her second dash still goes on Cooldown after 2 seconds.


  • Nemesis has become a strong pick due to direct buffs she has received, as well as indirect buffs – like the introduction of Wrath and the removal of red potion. We like her identity as a powerful tank shredder, but felt that her ultimate in particular was too effective in it's burst and early game effectiveness.

Divine Judgement Divine Judgement

  • Damage Reduced from 30/35/40/45/50% Of target's current health -> 20/25/30/35/40% of target's current health.
  • Slow and Movement speed decreased from 25% at all ranks -> 15/15/20/20/25%.


  • In previous patches, Nemesis received direct buffs to her overall kit as well as benefited from various item, relic and map adjustments. These changes resulted in her being a powerhouse in the Jungle. One buff in particular we feel is no longer needed for Nemesis to be a strong Assassin and that was the reduction in her ultimate from 90s to 70s. We like her using this ultimate often but we rather this strength be reserved for the later stages of the game and at level 5.

Divine Judgement Divine Judgement

  • Increased Cooldown from 70s at all ranks -> 90/85/80/75/70s.


  • Nemesis excels as a late game executor, focused on shredding assassins and tanks alike. We feel she currently does well in this role, but her early game is too punishing to allow her to reach this point of the game. Increasing her Passive as well as allowing Divine Judgement to steal 50% protections at all rank should give Nemesis more potency in the early stages of the game while still keeping her the late-game focused assassin that she currently is.

Scales of Fate Scales of Fate

  • Increased Power Gain and Power Loss from 4% to 6%.

Divine Judgement Divine Judgement

  • Increased Protection stealing from 30/35/40/45/50% to 50% at all ranks.

Scales of Fate Scales of Fate

  • Passive Changed: Nemesis holds the scales of balance. Hitting enemies with Basic Attacks reduces their Physical or Magical power by 4% per hit, while increasing her own Physical Power by 4% (max 4 stacks).

Divine Judgement Divine Judgement

  • Reduced cooldown from 90 -> 70s.

Retribution Retribution

  • Reduced Cooldown from 18 -> 16.


  • Fixed AFK skin playing Gamma Slam voice.

Retribution Retribution

  • Fixed an issue that caused Nemesis to go invisible on some clients.

Retribution Retribution

  • Updated tooltip with correct healing values.

Scales of Fate Scales of Fate

  • Nemesis now gains the flat value of the power she steals now, rather than percentage of her existing power. In addition, enemies now appropriately only lose item power.


  • Executioner Nemesis now has Crowd Control immunity glow.


  • Nemesis has been reclassified as an Assassin, to better fit her kit design and play style.
  • Starting Health reduced from 475 to 470.
  • Health per level reduced from 82 to 76.
  • Attack speed per level increased from 2 to 2.16.
  • Base Physical Protection decreased from 17 to 11.

Retribution Retribution

  • This ability now functions as a shield with health maximum of 100/200/300/400/500 per rank.
  • The damage reflection and self healing will only happen on damage absorbed by the shield, and only on damage from gods.
  • Duration of shield increased from 1s to 2s.
  • This shield will not stack with any other shield. (ex: Geb's Stone Shield).

Slice and Dice Slice and Dice

  • Cooldown increased from 10s to 13s.

Retribution Retribution

  • No change. However, this ability is being worked on for a more substantial adjustment next patch.

Divine Judgement Divine Judgement

  • Duration of buff changed from 10s to 8s.

Scales of Fate Scales of Fate

  • Fixed an issue in which a killing melee blow was not granting a passive stack.

Scales of Fate Scales of Fate

  • Fixed an issue in which the effect was not stacking correctly (allowing too many stacks).


  • Updated melee trails and hit impacts for No Mercy skin.

Scales of Fate Scales of Fate

  • This ability now steals 3% of power from targets hit (stacking up to 3 times). Stolen magical power is converted to physical power for Nemesis at one half the value.
  • Example: Nemesis hits a Mage target with 200 magical power one time with a basic attack. She steals 3% of their magical power (6 total), converting it to 3 physical power for herself.

Slice and Dice Slice and Dice

  • Cooldown increased from 7s to 10s.

Divine Judgement Divine Judgement

  • The movement speed buff and debuff is now 25% (previously 30/35/40/45/50%).

Scales of Fate Scales of Fate

  • Reduced power reduction/increase from 5% per stack to 3% per stack.

Slice and Dice Slice and Dice

  • Reduced slow from 50% at all ranks to 30/35/40/45/50%.

Retribution Retribution

  • Cooldown increased from 12s to 18s.
  • Gold fury, Fire Giant, Guardians, etc. no longer trigger damage reflect while the shield is active.

Retribution Retribution

  • Fixed an issue in which Retribution would not go properly into cooldown if Aegis was used during the ability.
  • Modified the tooltip to properly reflect that NPC damage reflects and heals at 100% of damage received (at all levels).

Swift Vengeance Swift Vengeance

  • Reduced damage scaling from 50% per hit to 25%.

Slice and Dice Slice and Dice

  • Reduced damage scaling from 50% per hit to 25%